Chapter 362: Tea Tasting

Xiao Zheng found it foolish that they were dragging the family into peril and even initiating a bloodline sharing system when there were clearly better methods. He could not believe that the Elder Council would pass such a resolution.

However, the world is always full of surprises.

"Why make it so complicated?" Xiao Jinlin said, his tiger-like eyes filled with amusement. "Would the elders please come forth?"

Xiao Zheng was taken aback. He looked towards the screen at the back of the hall, where the six great elders of the Xiao family were filing out, their faces serious.

"Honored elders, do you agree?" Xiao Jinlin stood up and asked them respectfully.

The elders of the Xiao family exchanged glances. The Great Elder spoke solemnly, "We shall follow the head's decision."

The rest of the elders nodded in agreement. After securing the support of all the elders, Xiao Jinlin turned to Xiao Zheng and asked, "Do you have any objections now?"