Chapter 364: Sect Head Returns Home

Several of the men who had arrived with him agreed with "Old Three" and cursed at Lao Bie Tou, who turned red and then green in embarrassment, but he tried to placate them, saying, "We are just asking. Of course, we will wait, we will wait until evening if we must."

After a few more curses, the discussion quietened down, but the debate still carried on in other parts of the queue.

The young waiter quietly circled back to the shop and said to Wan Tong, "Boss, we are in trouble!"

"Calm down, have some water, and then tell me," Wan Tong handed him a glass of water.

The waiter drank the water quickly and then wiped his mouth, saying, "The Righteous Business Group is doing something underhanded. They are letting people get a complete set of their agricultural tools for just thirty gold coins, and customers only need to make the payment every four months for three years. Everyone in the queue is trying to buy these tools!"