Chapter 373: Mediation

In the cabin, there were more than a hundred young gentlemen, yet for Mi Bai and Xiao Ziyu, they only saw each other, their powerful auras equally matched, each determining the rightful ownership of the painting in their own minds, completely ignoring the more than a hundred Xiling noblemen who were spectating.

The sons of the nobility who had been pushed aside, though disgruntled, did not dare to express their dissatisfaction, because the struggle for the painting had escalated beyond their qualifications. In a sense, whoever ended up owning this painting would effectively become the top-ranked transcendent of Xiling.

Although they belittled martial arts verbally, that was only because of their extraordinary backgrounds. In reality, they were a group of people who understood the importance of martial arts more than anyone else. From a young age, they had been bathed in the one and only absolute truth of the world: the strong rule.