Chapter 377: Extra Chapter for Wushubufei (Asking for monthly tickets~recommendations and the like!)

"Ignorant brat, completely unaware of his own limitations!" Mi Chu's eyes filled with fury as the letter disintegrated into floating pieces of paper, startling the housekeeper in the hall.

"Young Master, there's no need to get angry." Yan Lingjing, the Left Envoy, tried to calm the enraged Mi Chu, "Young people are prone to verbal disputes, oblivious to the people they might offend. We can't do anything to Tang Luo while he's holed up in their clan's place, but we can certainly target his assets in Xiling which he can't shield within the Tang Clan's grounds!"

Unlike the prince's residence, Beast King Residence is home to warriors recruited from all over by Mi Chu. Devoted to martial arts, he had no respect for any trajectory strategies. The residence's strategists are all warriors and amidst them, Yan Lingjing has gradually become Mi Chu's chief strategist and Beast Master.