Four Hundred Three: What is Genius (Additional Updates Request for Votes ~)

"At the age of fourteen, Mi Chu shed his mortality, awakening his beast soul lineage. Therefore, since 1770 of the Longzhou Calendar, the Mi Clan has been purchasing five hundred spirit beasts every year from the Beast Taming Sect! Assuming each spirit beast costs ten million, the Mi Clan spends fifty billion gold just on spirit beasts each year. Is that correct, my lord?"

"Indeed." Mi Jing did not deny it. Everyone in Xiling knew that the Mi Clan originally rose to prominence through the secret art of beast taming. They were even the largest customer of the Beast Taming Sect in Longzhou.

The Mi clan procured a large number of spirit beasts from the Beast Taming Sect every year. Even more so ten years ago, with an annual expenditure reaching over fifty billion gold. Everyone in the Mi Clan knew about this.