Chapter 409: Unbearable Loss

"The Grand Elder is mighty!" The Feather Guards seated on the spirit birds erupted in cheers as they saw Mi Yang, with a single blow, send Tang Sen underground.

However, from their elated position high in the sky, they could not see how gloomy the face of the elderly man in green had become.

"This bastard's power has gotten stronger yet again!" Mi Yang could feel a faint throbbing pain in his right fist, he thought to himself with agitation.

As a peak martial artist of the Fierce Realm, or even as a carrier of the Divine Wood lineage, he truly could not fathom how an Earth Level Five spiritual power bloodline could become such a freak of nature. The person only entered into the Fierce Realm a few years ago, and yet his physical strength had already far surpassed Mi Yang's, who was a peak martial artist of the Fierce Realm.