Chapter 437: The Actions of the Four Clans

East City Outskirts

Since yesterday, the Bai, Wan, Bie, and Pan clans, the four great esteemed families, began to jointly collect grain and handle their assets.

As the three families who have been recognized by Xiling for having merged with the Xu Sheng family, it is unknown how they joined forces with the Wan family. People in Xiling say that the three families have a deep bond.

Rumors circulated among the populace that the four great families were preparing to move their clans to Yuanzhou, and thus needed to deal with all the assets in Xiling.

The prices were exceedingly fair. A shop along the Golden Avenue only needed a million pounds of grain. A courtyard house in the city center could be bought with just one cargo ship. The prices for ordinary stores and wine shops were cheap to the point of craziness. Except for the fact that they only wanted new grain, the only things they accepted in exchange were chariots, beast-drawn carriages, cargo ships, and warships.