Chapter Four Hundred Forty: The Destined Rupture

"We don't need to do anything." Mi Jin smiled mysteriously, as if he had everything figured out. Meanwhile, Mi Zhen looked puzzled. "Do nothing?"

"Correct." Mi Jin nodded, explaining, "The 1.6 million civilians in Xiling, how much food do they need to survive? The Tang Family, even with all their food, wouldn't be able to provide for them. Not even to win over Du Sha."

This is similar to when Chengzhou was hit by a flood, and the two clans went to take in refugees. Ordinary civilians didn't even qualify to be refugees because they held no value. The biggest difference with this flood is that it will submerge the entirety of Xiling, including all the cultivated lands within its borders. This means for the upcoming years, food will be the most crucial strategic asset in West Longzhou. Whoever has food controls the situation, at least until the Lingjiang River stabilises and the powerful families redistribute their territories anew."