Chapter 344: Birthday

Early morning of August 5th,

The originally clear sky above Xiling suddenly turned overcast. In an instant, a violent wind sprang up, followed by raindrops the size of beans, drumming hard on the pavements. Thunder rumbled, deafeningly loud.

After a while, the beans-sized raindrops formed a dense sheet. The rain fell as if the sky had collapsed. It was early morning, yet it was as dark as midnight. Massive dark clouds obstructed all the light. Thunder followed one after the other, with lightning snakes dancing wildly in the dark clouds.

The wild wind whipped the rainfall onto the rock faces and leaves, snapping and crackling. Entire groves of trees were unable to withstand the tremendous force of the wind, snapping in half at the trunk.

A white line appeared in the southeast, stretching almost beyond sight, its wrath rolling towards Xiling.