Chapter 501: Losing Face

At the peak of Red Cloud Mountain, the land of the Du Clan.

This is the second time in half a month that the crowd has gathered here. The first time was due to the arrival of Tang Luo, to whom they sought help. This time, they were here to seek justice.

The massive crowd, all wearing headbands, tightly encircled the Du Clan land, completely blocking off the relief food distribution point. Every face in the crowd expressed anger and resentment towards those distributing the food, and their accusations never ceased.

Sun Jinfang and Shen Dafa stood on an elevated position, trying in vain to appease the crowd. However, they were unable to alleviate the people's anger, carrying their own unspeakable bitterness within them.

The original standard of food relief was equal for civilians and warriors alike, half a jin of food per day, either in the form of buns, rice, or porridge.