Chapter 508: The Old, Weak, Sick, and Disabled

"...Those with inner vision and above cultivation, stand by on the west side of Camel Hump."

The crowd was thrown into another commotion. Those who possessed cultivation capacities separated themselves from the crowd and ran towards the west side of the main peak. The group was roughly ten thousand strong.

These were the last capable people among the refugees. Those left behind, in anyone's eyes, were all similar to odd-shaped melons and split jujubes.

Their physique was undermined due to food scarcity, and their diminished stature caused these small, dark figures to blend together when standing so closely. Even Tang Luo could not tell the men and women apart.

The women, who should display gender characteristics, had chest parts as flat as the men's. Though unable to distinguish in appearance, Tang Luo knew that the majority of those remaining were females.