Chapter 511: Sorry to the generous donator, but I really blocked in my writing

Though spoken softly, under the divine magnification it still covers the entire the camel hump, causing wild joy on the west side and panic on the east side.

Those who have already joined the queue on the east side glare at those on the west side in resentment, thinking, "If only I knew that practicing today would mean full stomachs, why wouldn't I have practiced!"

Many others are livid, thinking, "If it were not for the leader summoning me to the main peak for a gathering early this morning, I could have practiced too."

While luck is often a humble term for success, Tang Luo firmly believes that not everyone in the west team practices every day. He also believes there are those in the east team who often practice but did not today because of the assembly. However, when opportunity comes knocking, apart from hard work, luck carries considerable weight.

It can only be said that some people mingling within the west team today are lucky.