Chapter 513: First Star General

"From today onwards, you are a member of the Marshal Star Pavilion." Tang Luo smiled at Jin San Zhua, "I will select suitable techniques and martial arts for you. Now, go and have a meal."

Jin San Zhua was dumbfounded. Even though techniques and martial arts are the foundations of a warrior, all he wanted right now was to eat. As for the Marshal Star Pavilion and martial arts, they were not as interesting as having a simple meal.

Swallowing nervously, he awkwardly stood up in front of Tang Luo. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't find the words. All he could muster was a mosquito-like hum.

His strangeness and hesitation sparked Tang Luo's curiosity.

"Is there anything else?" Tang Luo asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"" Jin San Zhua frantically fumbled with the hem of his ragged clothing. "Master, I just want to ask, does this Marshal Star Pavilion... have meat to eat?"