Chapter 540: Blessing in Disguise

Sun Jinfang looked at the still unconscious Du Sha with a complex expression, and explained to Tang Luo: "Mr. Du Sha defended himself with his Dharma Body using Spiritual Power. First, he was severely injured, then he exhausted his soul power to explode with a secret technique. Normally, a martial artist's soul would have perished from being drained in such a way, but Mr. Du Sha's soul is exceptionally resilient, merely on the verge of extinguishment. I originally thought that if his soul was placed in God's Residence for restoration, he would fully recover. Unexpectedly, not only is there no sign of improvement, but he is becoming weaker and weaker. It seems that he overdrafted himself too severely. As for the current plan, only by using the hundred-year-old Eternal Life Flower as a guide, and bathing him in a medicinal bath for forty-nine days, would he fully recover, without recurring illness."