Chapter 548: Human Sentiment

Tang Luo knew he would encounter resistance, so he was prepared to submit his application and then politely leave in search of alternatives. However, Tang Cunfu, who had previously expressed grievances, changed his tone unexpectedly, "But since Minister Tang instigated it, I will make sure the base for the Marshal Star Pavilion is properly set up!"

The decisive tone of Tang Cunfu halted the farewell speech that was nearly out of Tang Luo's mouth. Confused, he couldn't understand why this problematic clansman was being excessively polite.

"Fetch the best tea." Tang Cunfu called out, then turned to take the papers from Tang Luo with a welcoming smile, saying, "Please sit and rest a bit, while I find a prime location for the Marshal Star Pavilion."

Taken aback, Tang Luo could only gracelessly agree and take a seat, saying, "I appreciate your help, Representative Cunfu."