Chapter 555: Solo

Having introduced all the Elders, Tang Cunfu turned to the woman and said, "This young talent needs no introduction. Piaopiao, you must have heard his name. After all, the entire Xiling has been singing his praises for the last two years, even if you didn't want to, it was unavoidable."

"Ah, I do know him." If Yun Piaopiao was somewhat reserved while greeting the elders, her eyes twinkled with girlish enthusiasm upon laying eyes on Tang Luo. She exclaimed softly, "Ah, this must be the unparalleled genius, Xiling's foremost Mortal Transcendor, the Peerless Master Tang Luo."

Piaopiao's surprised tone and awed expression made Tang Luo appear as the most attention-worthy at the table. Tang Luo could only awkwardly touch his nose and modestly respond, "Your compliments are too generous, Miss Yun."