Chapter 580: Blood-colored Night Banquet

The closer he got to the Martial Hall, the more uneasy Tang Cunfu felt. As he approached the banquet further, his heart grew heavier.

The faint light emanating from the earth indicated that the Martial Hall's defensive formations had been activated, covering the banquet area in the east like a semi-circular dome, no wonder no sound could be heard from the outside.

"What's happening inside?" Tang Cunfu clenched his fists anxiously, his worries growing as Yun Piaopiao and the girls from Yun Mansion were still inside.

Standing before the light wall, Tang Cunfu struggled internally. One part of him argued that it was okay, the Martial Ancestor, the Secret Arts Pavilion elder, the Third Elder, the Martial Overlord were all there, and even the top-notch monks were in the Martial Hall beneath, with such a powerful lineup, nothing could go wrong and there was no need to go in.