Chapter 616: The Lost Pearl in the Sea

"Director Hook Chen, you're in charge of these students now."

The man in the mask stepped forward, his gritty voice echoed once more, "All those wanting to join the Martial Hall, stay. The rest return to your respective schools."

Having an outsider dictating in the heart of Tang Clan had always been an unimaginable scenario, but with the seal of approval from the Patriarch, the pupils from the clans, albeit reluctant, did not defy this order.

Yet, the nearly two thousand students that were left looked at the mask-clad man with an audacious gaze, as if questioning him: what makes us take orders from you?

Once the Patriarch and the clan pupils had left, the pampered and arrogant side of these children of established families emerged. Merely the words "old friends of the Patriarch" weren't enough to convince them.