Chapter 642: Final Battle (2)

Warriors of the Tang Clan collided with the guards of Baoding Mountain, turning the border between the two sides into a grindstone of flesh and blood.

Some of the Martial Ancestors in the sky had already charged out into battle, but a part still remained on standby in place, guarding against the possibility of a surprise attack by the allied forces on the commander.

Frankly speaking, such a desperate battle, facing a greater number, wouldn't be considered a wise choice especially if it is led by a commander with low martial arts ability.

Although Tang Zhi insisted that they need not worry about him, which Elder would dare to overlook his life and charge into battle independently?

Therefore, a few of the top Martial Ancestors from the Elder Council had been assigned to protect Commander Tang Zhi and oversee some important individuals who had accompanied them.

Among them, of course, is the Chief Defender of North Mountain―Tang Luo.