Chapter 661: Final Battle - Alliance of the Auspicious Cloud Valley (2)

"If the Tang Clan assumes leadership of the alliance, our first step will be to cede the territory of the North Mountain for city construction and assist all allied tribes in their relocation. We would aid them in rebuilding their clans in North Mountain. That's our first point."

"Secondly, you are all probably aware that the growth of Tang and Mi Clans was largely due to our trade outside the Outer Continent via the Wancheng Treasure Ship. With our proposition to rebuild Xiling, we won't keep the wealth only to ourselves. During our term as the alliance leader, we will see the Wancheng Treasure Ship as an alliance resource. We will choose the tribes with the highest contribution for joint shipping, allocating 50% of the profits to the alliance, 40% to the tribes involved in shipping, with only 10% kept by the Tang Clan."