Chapter Six Hundred Eighty-Six: Release

While pondering over the secret letter, a figure approached the Chief's table. Tang Luo looked up to see it was Tang Zuo, the head of the Dark Thunder Hall.

Tang Zuo first nodded to Tang Luo as a greeting, then placed another secret letter on the table and said to the Chief, Tang Zhi, "The martial artists who pillaged and extorted supplies have been found, and the supplies have also been recouped. This is the list of the culprits and an inventory of their booty, please review it, Chief."

Chief Tang Zhi opened the secret letter, quickly glanced at it and then closed it, "Thank you for your hard work. How do you plan to deal with these martial artists, Chief Tang Zuo?"

"There are many clans involved in this matter. Punishing them harshly may affect the situation of the new alliance, so I only expelled several minor clans that were involved in pillaging and killing, and issued warnings to the others."