Chapter 698: The Ambitious Cui Dayou

As a proprietor who was diligent in reflection and learning, Cui Dayou had risen to his position from being a mere orphan in a charitable hall. It was his diligence and caution that allowed him to rise, much like a slow bird that flies first.

He knew whether a person was valued or not, depended on two factors: feelings and worth.

As for Tang Luo, a stunning talent who was wholly devoted to martial arts, Cui Dayou dared not stake his future on how affectionate the latter could be towards him. Instead, he focused all his energies on improving his own value.

He had to properly execute all the tasks assigned by the head of the family; he had to anticipate potential problems and consider everything for the head of the family; he had to earn the master's trust and have more tasks assigned to him.

Although they had not been together for long, Cui Dayou had already keenly noticed one of Tang Luo's traits - he had an extreme lack of concern for anything outside of martial arts.