Chapter Thirteen: Kunwu County

"Can you believe it if I say, at the age of fifteen, he could take on three of you alone?"

Tang Luo held up four fingers, waving them in front of the three stunned team members: "Unless something goes wrong, this little guy you are looking down upon today will, in three years time, be standing at the pinnacle of the Mortal Realm as a martial artist, qualifying for four Longzhou Youth Martial Arts Competitions, and remaining the poster face for twelve years."

"If your clans could produce such young talents, I would definitely not hesitate to give away these competition places."

Xiao Ziyu and the others fell silent. Tang Xing's unfaltering aura was already the best measure of his strength. Perhaps, in the entire Longzhou Western Region, there were no young talents who could match him.

"If there are no other issues, let's start our journey. Don't keep Senior Xiao waiting for too long."