Chapter Eighteen: Full of Vigor

The trio convoy had quickly transformed into a quartet, with a blushing little boy trying his best to hide among them. Tang Luo couldn't help but feel amused and slightly annoyed at the sight.

It seemed these past few days of seclusion had gotten to the lad; Tang Luo frequently heard his self-pitying sighs through the walls. Having to cease intense spirit art training to remain in peak condition for the upcoming competition, Tang Luo could understand why the boy would crave a night out in town after spending days with nothing much to do.

"If you want to go, just go. No need to hide," Tang Luo shrugged his shoulders and turned to the other three on the brink of departure, "Take good care of him for me."

Li Xuanba and Cui Haoran nodded vigorously, while Xiao Ziyu, leaning against a pillar, asked, "Aren't you coming?"