Chapter Thirty-two: Tang Luo's Fist

Looking at Tang Luo from head to toe, Bu Chen tried to find any potential weaknesses, but it went without saying that a martial artist with such strength would have a formidable physical form. Perhaps even his full-strength blow would feel like a mere tickle to the other.

Even without revealing any bloodline abilities, how could he possess such a terrifying level of cultivation? Could this guy be the most formidable body technique genius in history?

"This is absurd!" After thoroughly searching for weaknesses to no avail, Bu Chen banished the thoughts of despair from his mind. He knew he had to bring out his trump card.

For the first time, he used the Sacred Martial Secret Technique against Tang Luo, feeling a sense of fate rising within him.

Boiling spiritual power flowed into the spirit array engraved within him. The Sacred Martial Body, one of the strongest techniques of Martial Saint Mountain, was unveiled on the Bifang Mountain battleground.