Chapter Thirty-eight: Disappointment

This was their third encounter. Tang Luo had just seriously injured his own cousin, Bu Chen. Normally, a noble son from a prestigious family who had injured a blood heir of the sacred land wouldn't feel so at ease in front of the current Dao Child of that sacred land.

But instead, his tone was like that of an elder chiding a misbehaving child, carrying a sense of superiority. Who gave him such audacity?

Bu Xiao laughed, his breathtakingly handsome face capable of stirring feelings in any man's heart. But Xu Lao Ying felt an intense danger.

The envoy of the Xu Clan of Yuanzhou quickly stepped in front of Tang Luo and backed away a few steps with his cousin behind him, his face full of caution.

Although Xu Lao Ying had not known Bu Xiao for long, he knew clearly that the Dao Child of the Martial Saint Mountain seldom joked around. When he did laugh, it usually meant that he had encountered something that piqued his interest.