Chapter 18 Zhang Tianyu's Boldness

Upon hearing Zhang Tianyu's words, Brother Tiger gave a nod of approval.

The situation proved their opponents had no significant connections, which relieved him. However, it didn't mean he could confront them straightforwardly even though they lacked support. His promise to help Zhang Tianyu was motivated by the prospects of making some extra money and building beneficial relationships. While dealing with Lin Yun wasn't a problem, through him he could get acquainted with several affluent and influential people, which would be of great help to their nightclub.

The Nightingale Bar was his bread and butter—if the bar did well, so would he.

However, any damage to the bar's reputation would result in a significant loss.

"Haha, the young lad's really got excellent skills. But it seems there's been a misunderstanding—those guys don't work for our bar…" With these thoughts in mind, Brother Tiger confidently approached Lin Yun and Xia Qingqing, laughing heartily.

Then, he turned towards the men lying on the floor and said coldly, "These people dared to cause trouble at the Nightingale Bar. They're courting death! Get some guys over here to take them away!"

The last sentence, however, was meant for his subordinates.

"Yes, Brother Tiger."

Immediately, some men came forward to carry out the painfully screaming Brother Snake and his crew.

Everyone, however, was cluevably as to their whereabouts.

"Great work, Brother Tiger!"

"They dared to kick up a fuss at the Nightingale Bar without even figuring out who calls the shots in this place!"

"The Nightingale Bar's security isn't bad…"

Seeing this, the crowd cheered enthusiastically.

Many of them were regular customers, and they all knew Brother Tiger.

Lin Yun just smirked in his mind. Brother Tiger had skillfully managed to fool the people around him.

But he didn't expose his scheme; this was, after all, the outcome that Lin Yun himself wanted.

Not far away, Zhang Tianyu and his gang didn't come forward, seemingly plotting something.

"My apologies for the unpleasant event; our security wasn't perfect tonight. Allow me to make it up to you. A drink for you and your girlfriend on me. Consider it an apology from the Nightingale bar!" At this, Brother Tiger turned and glanced at Lin Yun, his smile remaining intact.

He had two reasons behind the invite: to determine if Lin Yun had overheard their conversation, and second, to gain control over Lin Yun once he entered one of their private rooms.

"Brother Tiger sure knows how to handle things better!"

"Haha, an invite from Brother Tiger—it's such a big honor! How could you refuse?"

"I wish I were the one who fought those guys earlier. Brother Tiger would've invited me for drinks…"

"You? Forget it! If it had been you, you would've been half-dead already. He's inviting for drinks? Probably sending you to the hospital would be more accurate!"

"True, the invitation offered by Brother Tiger demonstrates Lin Yun's extraordinary skills and Brother Tiger's willingness to appreciate talent..."

Many people looked at Lin Yun and Xia Qingqing with envy.

"Let's skip the drink. My girlfriend got scared; we need to head back home," said Lin Yun in a detached tone.

Then, turning his head to Xia Qingqing, he said, "Qingqing, let's go!"

Xia Qingqing obediently nodded.

Then issuing farewell smiles, the couple turned and prepared to leave the Nightingale Bar.

"What a pity…"

"I would've killed for an invite from Brother Tiger…"

"They're actually not going…"

Witnessing the scene, several people showed their regret.

However, not far from there, a sigh of relief escaped the lips of a waitress.

She was aware of the complications Lin Yun would've encountered if he had agreed to Brother Tiger's proposal.

However, their departure wasn't entirely safe either.

After a moment's thought, she looked around to ensure no one was watching her and started to make her way discreetly towards the bar's entrance.

For some reason, although she had only seen Lin Yun once, she felt an urge to help him.

Brother Tiger kept his smile intact as he watched Lin Yun and Xia Qingqing making their way towards the exit.

However, once they were far enough, his expression turned gloomy.

Honestly, he had no idea if they had overheard their discussion earlier.

Times had changed, and resorting to violence wasn't the best solution. Money-making in peace and a low-profile lifestyle were the new norms. Normally, he wouldn't risk offending adept fighters like Lin Yun. After all, unless he could guarantee the opponent wouldn't survive his attacks, the risk of revenge was a definite concern.

But if they had overheard their conversation earlier, who could say whether they would bear a grudge against them?

"Brother Tiger, are we just going to let them go?"

At that moment, Zhang Tianyu came over and asked in a low voice.

He was disgruntled; he had desired Xia Qingqing for so long. Just when he thought she was within his reach, his plan had backfired—and he wasn't ready to accept this defeat.

"And what do you suggest?" Brother Tiger shot a glance at Zhang Tianyu.

"You didn't mention the girl's boyfriend was such a skilled fighter. Now, our people are probably severely injured," said Brother Tiger with an indifferent tone.

"That's on me. I didn't imagine the boyfriend of Xia Qingqing to be so powerful. I'll cover all the medical expenses of your guys, plus some compensation…" Zhang Tianyu, his face flushed, responded.

With these words, Zhang Tianyu's frustration magnified.

All his meticulous planning and the subsequent heavy expenditure… if everything ended in failure, wouldn't that make it an even more catastrophic loss?

Having already spent a significant amount, he was not worried about spending a bit more to get Xia Qingqing.

"Brother Tiger, I would like to request your help again with that guy. I'm certain he heard our conversation. You should be careful in case he tries to retaliate…" After taking a deep breath, Zhang Tianyu spoke up.

Brother Tiger stayed silent.

"I've done my homework. That guy comes from a rural area and runs a small factory which recently went bankrupt. I suspect he came to the bar today to drown his sorrows. People like him tend to break down easily..."

Seeing Brother Tiger hesitating, Zhang Tianyu quickly added fuel to the fire.

"That guy sure is skilled. If we confront him again, it'll cost us," said Brother Tiger, nonchalantly.

"Not counting the $300,000 I offered as compensation to your brothers, I'm willing to provide another $500,000. But it'll cost him a leg," Zhang Tianyu said through gritted teeth.

"Fine, then we appreciate it, Master Yu," said Brother Tiger with a glance and a laugh at Zhang Tianyu.

He hadn't expected this young man to have such guts.

Previously, the person who had inflicted severe injuries on their crew was being let go by Brother Tiger's crew while pretending that those injured didn't belong to their group. Being honest, it was a bitter pill to swallow.

The gangland was all about maintaining respect. If he let that young man go, he couldn't hold his head high before his subordinates.

If every bully they came across was let off the hook, and they still had to put on a fake smile, what was the point in being part of the underworld?

Now, with Zhang Tianyu willing to offer a handsome amount, it turned out to be an excellent deal.

"Call Arkin. Tell him to bring some skillful men to deal with that young man," Brother Tiger ordered one of his subordinates, turning his back.