Chapter 19: Crisis

Arkin was Brother Tiger's trusted lieutenant, adept in fights.

Upon receiving Brother Tiger's orders, Arkin did not hesitate; he immediately went out with several brothers.

"Be careful of the taxi at the door..."

In the area near the entrance of the Nightingale Bar, Lin Yun and Xia Qingqing had just arrived and a female waiter walked up to them and said quietly out of the blue.


Lin Yun looked up, only seeing a receding figure.

Lin Yun reflected upon this, remembering the waitress who served him drinks.

"The taxi at the door..."

Lin Yun pondered thoughtfully.

However, he didn't expect that, only having met her once, this waitress would help him like this. Apparently, she was good-hearted, but he didn't know why she worked in such a place. A bar was not a good place.


Qingqing had also heard the waitress's words. She tugged at Lin Yun's sleeve and whispered.

"It's alright, let's leave." Lin Yun shook his head slightly and said.

Now that he was alert, it wouldn't be easy for those people to deal with him.

As they spoke, Lin Yun took off his coat and draped it over Qingqing. It was winter, and Qingqing was only wearing a white dress. It was not cold in the bar, but it would be cold as soon as they left the bar.

When Qingqing arrived, she had brought other clothes. However, Lin Yun had already seen through the plot against Qingqing and naturally would not let Qingqing change her clothes.

"Hmm." Lin Yun's action made Qingqing blush slightly; she nodded gently.

Since she came to Shen City, she had encountered two difficult situations. One was at the train station, and the other was just now. But on both occasions, Lin Yun appeared out of nowhere, like a savior from the heavens, engendering a feeling of breaking through the clouds and seeing the day.

If Lin Yun was by her side, she was not afraid of anything.

She knew Lin Yun was a martial artist, but she didn't expect him to be so skilled.

Lin Yun's performance in the bar just now gave her an extra sense of security by his side.


When Lin Yun and Qingqing walked out a little distance from the entrance, a taxi stopped in front of them.

"Where are you going?"

The young man on the driver's seat asked with a smile.

"Qinglong District Main Street." Lin Yun glanced inside the taxi, which was empty, and said.

Subsequently, Lin Yun turned his head to Qingqing and said, "You sit in the back."

"Hmm." Qingqing nodded.

They both opened the door and got in.


The taxi started moving immediately, but its speed was not fast.

"This is not the way to Qinglong District Main Street, is it?"

Watching as the taxi drove to a relatively remote area, Lin Yun, in the passenger seat, suddenly grabbed the steering wheel of the young man and said coldly.


Because Lin Yun suddenly grabbed the steering wheel, the taxi immediately made several sharp turns.

"Hey, what are you doing? This is a shortcut. Let go, or there will be an accident!" Seeing Lin Yun's action, the young man suddenly panicked and shouted.

"Immediately go to Qinglong District Main Street, or beware that I'll be unkind." At some point, a small knife had appeared in Lin Yun's hand, and he pressed it against the young man's throat, saying.

"You, what are you doing, I'm just a regular taxi driver--" The young man's face changed dramatically, he stammered in panic.

A cold gleam flashed deep in Lin Yun's eyes.

The fact that he said such a thing showed that he had revealed his identity.

It turned out that this taxi did have a problem.

That waitress was, after all, from the bar. Though Lin Yun was inclined to believe what she said earlier, he didn't wholly trust her.

Shen City was a large city with a huge population. Taxis were always scarce. Moreover, this bar was not on the main street, so there were only a few taxis at the door. Lin Yun and Qingqing wanted to leave here quickly, so they had to take a taxi.

Therefore, Lin Yun, seeing that there was only one person in this taxi, didn't refuse to ride.

But deep down, Lin Yun already had a plan.


However, just as Lin Yun was about to make a move, a dull thud suddenly sounded, and the taxi they were in made a sharp turn.

The tire burst!

The color on Lin Yun's face changed.


Because of the taxi's sharp turn, the small knife in Lin Yun's hand scraped the young man's neck. Blood immediately flowed out, causing the young man to scream in pain.


Without hesitation, Lin Yun struck the young man in the neck with his knife, causing him to pass out.

Then, opening the driver's side door, Lin Yun threw the young man out, at the same time, he took the driver's seat.

"Brother, shall we--"

Qingqing looked a little pale, she gripped the backseat tightly as she spoke.

"Qingqing, hold on!" Lin Yun didn't turn his head, he said directly.


The next moment, the taxi sped off.

The tire had burst, but the car could still be driven. It would just cause significant damage to the car. But that was not something Lin Yun was worried about.

However, due to this delay, two minibuses were rapidly approaching in the distance.


One of the minibuses drifted and blocked the taxi driven by Lin Yun.


The tires had busted, and the brakes didn't work well. Lin Yun stepped on the brakes but couldn't stop in time. The taxi immediately ran into the minibus and came to a halt.

Lin Yun couldn't help but curse in his heart.

However, he decisively opened the door of the car and stepped out.

"Qingqing, don't come out." Lin Yun said.

This was also the reason why, although he suspected that this taxi might have a problem, he still let Qingqing get into the taxi with him.

Because the entrance of the Nightingale Bar was relatively open, and if Qingqing was outside, there was nowhere for her to hide.

If he had to fight with those people, it would be hard to protect Qingqing's safety.

"Brother, be careful!"

Qingqing said in a hurry.

In the meantime, Qingqing pulled out her phone and started to call the police.

Previously, as Lin Yun had hurt some people but she herself hadn't been injured, she didn't call the police. But now, the situation was critical, and she didn't care about whether the police would implicate Lin Yun after they arrived.

"Damn it!"

"He dares to ram us!"

"He is bold! We must cripple him!"

The people in the crashed minibus reacted quickly - several young men jumped out, cursing and swearing.

At the same time, the other minibus had already stopped, and a group of people poured out.

In an instant, a dozen people surrounded Lin Yun and the taxi.

"Is this an ambush?"

Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him, Lin Yun said coldly.

At the same time, Lin Yun swept his eyes over the hands of these men, almost every one of them was holding an iron rod, and two of them were even holding large machetes.

"Anyone who has fought us and expects to leave completely unscathed, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Arkin stepped out and said indifferently.

"You already have a knife yourself, very good. Either leave one of your legs behind, or let us take one of your legs and take the girl in the car away. Choose one." Seeing the small knife in Lin Yun's hand, Arkin nodded slightly, as he finished speaking, he looked in the direction of the taxi.