Chapter 590: Leaving


The moment Little Gold and the robot killed the young man, Little Gold raised a large claw, immediately summoning the spatial items the young man had left behind into its claws.


Little Gold shrunk its body, returning to Lin Yun's side, excitedly lifting the spatial items in its small claws.

"What a good beast, able to collect its own spoils of war and return them to its master. If it were to act independently, one could almost sit back and watch the money pile up…"

"What's more impressive is that it's a Super Star Beast, already rivaling the strength of a 12th level Mid Term Cultivator, even likely becoming a Super Star Beast in the future, proving too powerful for ordinary Super Warriors…"

"Oh my! If only I had such a Star Beast, I wouldn't need it to grow to a Super Realm, it just has to reach the 12th level Peak…"

"I don't need a 12th level Peak Beast, I would be satisfied with a 12th level Late Term Star Beast as a pet…"