Chapter 591: Another Breakthrough, Information from Mingdu!

Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, two months had passed.


One day, a strong breakthrough wave emanated once more from the battleship where Lin Yun and his group were.

This breakthrough wave, different from Lin Yun's and others', drew much energy from heaven and earth, with much of it leaning to Mental Strength.

It was the fluctuation caused by Xia Qingqing's breakthrough.

"She reached the peak of the Eleventh Level, she's really fast..."

Lin Yun looked up towards the direction from which the breakthrough wave was coming, thinking in silence.

Being in the Eleventh Level was by no means weak.

Throughout the universe, even progressing a step further was difficult for a strong person at this level.

Even if Qingqing was an Earthling, with excellent talent in mental strength, every breakthrough was not easy.

Now, in just over two months, she had broken through from the early Eleventh Level to the peak of the Eleventh Level.