The day of the dance was just around the corner, and although at first I thought that this one would be affected by the new threat Brooke told us about, it turned out to be in danger because of me. For some kind of reason, lately they were doing nothing but expelling me from class and punishing me for hours in the principal's office. I didn't understand anything, it's true that I was involved in small accidents, but it wasn't a big deal.

-Principal: This can't go on like this - she said with a serious expression - When you came to Nevermore, you did it under the pretext of maintaining your good grades. What's happening to you? You haven't managed to get through a single day this week without getting banned. Do you have a problem? Should I make a few calls and warn your parents about your rebellious phase?

- Y/N: No! Anything but calling my parents, I promise you that nothing that has happened has been on purpose. I've just been involved in little accidents, please don't think I'm doing it for attention or anything like that.

-Principal: I don't know, Addams - she crossed her arms - Mr. Wilson has complained about you several times so far this week and I have promised him that I would apply strict measures if you continued with that attitude.

-Y/N: May I ask what I am accused of? - I raised an eyebrow not very confident.

-Principal: In physical education class the other day, you threw a football and broke the glass of a window - she looked at me - Window that Mr. Wilson later had to fix.

-Y/N: That was an accident, and I wasn't even the only one playing - I excused myself.

-Principal: Accidents happen once, not several times - she glared at me - What about the fire in the chemistry laboratory?

-Y/N: It wasn't my fault either! The cans of substance had the wrong name tags on, I took the one I shouldn't have and that's why it happened... How am I going to want to set the lab on fire on purpose? I'm not an arsonist!

-Principal: Maybe not you, but I have taken the trouble to research about your relatives and apparently your father is a big fan of fire - she raised an eyebrow - Is it possible that you suffer from the same pathology as him?

-Y/N: Of course not!

- Principal: Okay... And now let's talk about why Mr. Wilson ended up falling down the stairs - she clasped his hands on top of her desk - Will you tell me that it was an accident too?

- Y/N: It was! I woke up late and was very late for classes so I started running through the halls. I didn't know that these were freshly scrubbed and I slipped crashing into Mr. Wilson, that's why he fell down the stairs - I sighed and shook my head - Then I made sure to take him to the infirmary and I was late for classes anyway. Which is why I got kicked out again later and ended up back here - I looked at her and smiled uncomfortably.

- Director: You see, Y/N? You've had such a crazy week, as much as all these events have been accidents, it's your responsibility to take the blame - she sighed - So I've been thinking maybe I should punish you without going to the Raven.

-Y/N: Without going to the dance? !! - I exclaimed with concern - You can't do that, please. I'd rather you call my parents first, but don't punish me without going to the Raven. It is very important for me to attend this event...

I put on my best sorry face to the principal as I begged her to punish me with whatever she wanted except the Raven. I had promised Enid that this would be our first date, and I wasn't going to let my bad luck ruin everything for the world. The principal was thoughtful for a few moments until she came to a conclusion.

-Principal: You will be able to attend the dance - I got up from the chair excited - But on one condition - I sat down again to pay attention.

-Y/N: What condition?

-Principal: In the afternoons you will dedicate yourself to being Mr. Wilson's assistant in compensation for all the problems you have caused him. And of course, your performance in the classes should be as expected, nothing about being late. Understood? - she stared at me. - Listen to me well, one more foul and you're out of Raven.

-Y/N: - I swallowed thickly and smiled nodding - It has become crystal clear - I said getting up from my chair and leaving the office.

The truth is that I left exhausted and very worried with the condition Duncan had given me, I had to solve the damn mystery of the Wednesday stalker and also keep my mother at bay. Did I have to work as a janitor with the bitter Wilson on top? Walking through the halls I came across the mentioned one and since I had no choice but to spend time together, I decided to come over and say hello.

-Y/N: Good afternoon, Mr. Wilson - I smiled.

- Wilson: It's almost evening already. Are you blind? - he gave me a bad look - Get out of my way, I have to put these junk away.

-Y/N: Oh yes, of course... - I walked beside him - I just wanted to tell you that it will be a pleasure to work with you from tomorrow - I lied - I hope I can be of use to you.

-Wilson: It would be useful if you shut that big mouth, you torture me with every syllable you pronounce - he gestured with his hand for me to leave - Leave me alone and get out.

I took a deep breath to control myself and not start blurting out a bunch of expletives that were running through my mind. I made the effort to stay calm and continued on my way to my room, later I would have to let Wenny know that the mystery was in his hands because I had been deprived of liberty. When I got to my room, I found Yoko and Enid having a manicure session.

-Yoko: Our badass is back, - she joked - Have they made you re-order Duncan's bookshelf?

-Enid: - she elbowed her - She has been punished unfairly, Mr. Wilson fell down the stairs by accident. Right? - she smiled at me.

-Y/N: I did bump into him - I sighed and threw myself on my bed - Enid... We won't be able to see each other all week - I warned her.

- Enid: Why? You only have archery on Tuesdays and Thursdays - she looked at me confused - Is something wrong?

-Y/N: It happens that I have sacrificed my freedom and my free time to be able to go to the Raven with you - I rolled across the bed to look at her - Duncan wanted to punish me by not going to the dance.

- Yoko: Oh, well... Ajax could have taken Enid instead, they are good friends now - the wolf glared at her - Or maybe not, she clearly wants to go with you...

-Y/N: Have you made your peace with Ajax? - I raised a curious eyebrow.

- Enid: Yes, well... He's been texting me on my cell phone for weeks and chasing me down the hallways, so I've had no choice but to talk to him. After all, we belong to the same group of friends, we usually get along well.

-Y/N: Oh sure, cool - I said rolling over once more and turning my back on her.

-Enid: - she looked at Yoko who rolled her eyes and kicked Enid out of her bed - Just because we are friends doesn't mean there is anything between us, you don't have to worry - she leaned out to look at my face - Booh!

-Y/N: I'm not worried about that - I smiled - I fully trust you.

- Yoko: And what's with that bitter expression? - the vampire complained from her bed.

-Y/N: I have a lot of things to worry about, if I get one more miss in class I get left without Raven - I complained - I need you especially, to stop distracting me in classes - I pointed to the vampire.

- Yoko: Uff, literature classes are deadly and you are very easy to annoy - Enid pulled out her claws - Of course, seeing the situation, I will try to control the urge to annoy you - she smiled and got out of bed - Well little wolf, I think it's time for you to go back to your burrow. Y/N has to go to bed early so she won't be late for classes, so - she looked at both of us - No late night meetings.

-Enid: This week is going to be really long for me - she said throwing me a flying kiss before Yoko slammed the door in her face.

-Yoko: And now, Y/N - I threw a cushion at her that hit her in the face - What are you doing? I've done you a favor by getting your biggest distraction out of here.

-Y/N: Don't kick my girlfriend out of our room again, ever! - I growled at her - The biggest distraction is you, always gossiping around me - I sighed and turned my back to her - I'll sew your lips while you sleep - I threatened her.

- Yoko: Hey, hey, hey... We are relaxing because it has gotten late and we have to sleep, no violent acts please - she lay down on her bed - I promise not to open this little mouth again.