I convinced Enid to come with me to walk around the academy gardens, everything was dark and most of the students were already in their rooms. We were completely alone, only watched by the moon and its light. I used my skills to create different willowfire flames and light up our surroundings to create a more special atmosphere. After all, what I was going to propose to her was a lifelong union.

- Enid: Wow! - she said excitedly - When have you learned to create more than one flame?

-Y/N: Since my dad came to visit me, I've become quite more powerful - I said proudly - I still haven't mastered the electricity thing well, but I know I'm capable of using it if I train hard enough. Also, I accidentally electrocuted myself in your bathroom today.

- Enid: Is that why you were pointing at the mirror all the time? - she asked amused.

-Y/N: Yes, I was trying to figure out how I did it - I let out a giggle - Forgive me, sometimes you must think I'm a hopeless weirdo...

- Enid: Not only at times, I think about it all the time - I looked at her confused - But you're my weirdo, I like you like that - she said interlacing our hands once more - Hey Y/N, I'm trying to act mature so you don't notice that curiosity is killing me... But... What do you have to talk to me about that is so serious? !! Is it about yesterday? - she put her hands on my shoulders - You should not worry about anything! - she looked me in the eyes and came to my ear to whisper - We just use our hands, neither of us will get pregnant.

-Y/N: I already know that! - I said embarrassed - I've already told you that it has nothing to do with yesterday... How can getting pregnant cross your mind? - I asked surprised - We are only seventeen, it's too early for such things. But I do have to tell you about something very important that would normally be done upon reaching adulthood.

- Enid: Should I be scared?

-Y/N: Only if you are afraid of commitment or have doubts about ours - I took her by the hands - We have been going through a season in which we no longer put our lives on the line and such, and it has been thanks to that that I have been able to confirm everything I feel for you. And it's funny, I had never thought that I would feel something so intense... I guess everything you feel is what has saved me from the darkness I was plunged into.

-Enid: You were very blunt and cold when we met - she admitted - But since I saw you I knew that there was a special connection between us, the looks we gave each other were not normal. Friends don't look at each other the way we do - she smiled.

-Y/N: - I nodded - Once again, I can't wait for the first date at the dance - I said while tilting my head slightly - Enid, I hope I won't regret this later - I looked at her seriously - I want her to create a bond with you, so bite me please - I took the bandages off my arm.

As I finished pronouncing the last word, I could feel a huge silence begin to grow between us. Had I been too direct? Had I forgotten again about the preliminaries that the she-wolf used to mention so much? The nerves began to take over me and the guilt began to sink deep into me for having ruined the moment. I decided to speak again to take back what I had said but Enid beat me to it.

-Enid: Y/N - she looked me seriously in the eyes - Do you know what that means?

-Y/N: I know better than anyone, I've spent hours researching about it and what it means for lycanthropes - I sighed to release tension - You know I want to make things right, if you're not ready for something like that, I'll understand.

-Enid: - she nodded and came closer to me - If we create the bond, we will be united for life unless something very serious happens - she looked me in the eyes - If for whatever reason you leave me, I assure you that our breakup would be much worse than Shakira and Piqué - she threatened me.

-Y/N: I don't really know what you mean by that, but I have no intention of ever leaving you - I took her hand - I want to always be with you, I'm going to do everything in my power to make us happy for a long time.

- Enid: Well, if you know what you're saying then there's only one thing left for me to say... I do want to! - she said jumping into my arms - I can't believe we're going to do it! Well a little yes, after what you did to me last night, I expect anything from you - she touched the tip of my nose - You're going to drive me crazy. Do you know that? - she smiled.

-Y/N: It doesn't seem to me that you are suffering with your madness... - I smiled burlesquely and extended my arm in her direction - Will you bite me?

- Enid: Does it have to be in your wound? - she looked at me worried - The bite of a bond is usually quite painful, you can choose another area.

-Y/N: - I shook my head - It has to be there, everything of me will belong to you so I need you to close that wound - I said seriously.

The blonde nodded and gently took my arm. She looked me in the eyes for a few moments while growing her fangs. She slowly tilted her head towards my arm until I could feel her breath collide against my skin, it was about to happen. A normal person would have closed his eyes when he saw that someone was about to bite him, but I didn't want to miss any detail of that moment. Enid pierced my skin deeply with her fangs and an intense pain began to take over me making me squeeze my lips so as not to growl.

I held still during the whole process until the she-wolf separated from me and put her arms around my neck melting into an embrace. My arm was shaking and for a moment it stung so much that I had the feeling of having it on fire. When we separated from the hug, I looked at the place where my mother's bite used to be and I just took with the mark of Enid's bite, this time it had really healed.

-Y/N: Finally - I said relieved and looked at Enid - You have cured me - I smiled.

-Enid: - she nodded and took her hands behind her back while smiling at me flirtatiously - And with that mark on your arm, I just claimed you as mine.

-Y/N: All yours Miss Sinclair - I smiled crookedly and covered my arm again - I guess I'll be able to go back to the archery club now.

-Enid: Yes, I hope to see you again in a competition - she came up to me - But first... Shouldn't we do something?

-Y/N: Something like what? - I played dumb.

- Enid: I don't know... Something like closing the link and claiming me as yours - she winked at me.

-Y/N: Enid, since last night you are more mine than yours - I said confidently - But let's do it, let's close the link - I started to bring out my fangs - Where should I do it?

-Enid: What part of my body do you like the most?

-Y/N: Don't ask me that... Everything about you is stupidly beautiful - I rolled my eyes making her laugh - But if you're going to give me a choice, then I'll do it here.

I went up to her and ran the cloth that covered the area between her neck and collarbone, I looked at her face and I found her characteristic smile. Damn Sinclair, she knew the effect she had on me. I could confirm without a doubt that the wolf had become my Achilles heel, there was nothing and no one in the world that I cared about more than her. So I didn't make her wait too long and I dug my fangs into her soft, whitish skin.

- Enid: Ah... Y/N - she said putting my arms around me while I made sure to mark her well.

I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes as I watched her battle the pain of the bond at first. I leaned towards her and kissed her slowly, unhurriedly, enjoying the delicious rub between my lip and hers taste like strawberry. It was incredible, if before I could notice all her emotions for having recognized us as mate of the other, thanks to the bond everything had been amplified. I could feel everything she was feeling, every sensation, every emotion, every damn butterfly in her stomach.

-Enid: Your heart beats very fast, - she commented as her lips smiled against mine.

-Y/N: It's just that from now on it beats for two - I smiled - I think it gives me to love you much beyond the moon.

- Enid: Up to Jupiter at least?

- Y/N: At least!! - I took her in flying - With what I feel right now, I have to turn the entire Milky Way itself around.

-Enid: - she let out a giggle once I put her down on the floor - So are we officially dating?

-Y/N: Of course - I said convinced - I know you're dying to say I'm your girlfriend.

- Enid: Aren't you the one who's dying to? - she pushed me and then started chasing me through the garden lit up with the wisp flames - Don't run, Addams! I know you're dying to show off your courtship with me!

-Y/N: Huh, you wished! - I laughed as I ran.