A Long Night


Standing in his spacious office, Ethan gazed out the window at the cityscape beyond. The sprawling city below seemed to echo the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions he was currently experiencing. He was, perhaps, angrier at himself than at any other point in his life. Losing control was not something he was accustomed to or comfortable with.

There was only one other time in his life when he had felt such intense emotions, and that had ended in heartbreak. That was why he had developed the habit of avoiding emotional entanglements. He often questioned whether he was truly enough for someone, a vulnerability that unnerved him. Thus, he had settled for fleeting and shallow flings, fearing the vulnerability that came with anything deeper.

However, the connection he felt with Olivia was different. The passion, intensity, and raw emotion coursing through his veins when he was with her excited and terrified him. The thought of her walking away, leaving him in this desolate state of uncertainty, was more than he could bear.

His biggest fear now was that Olivia might not want him back. He needed to be sure, but he couldn't afford to be too pushy or forceful; he had to tread carefully to avoid driving her away. So, he would wait, longing for her, hoping she would share his feelings, and praying that his intensity wouldn't ultimately drive a wedge between them.


Olivia gazed out the window of her chic new apartment, her eyes fixed on the world outside, cloaked in a somber shroud of gray. The weather mirrored the tempest within her heart, which churned with uncertainty. The question lingered, heavy and persistent: was she truly prepared for him? Ethan had stormed into her life like a tornado, and it was evident he would leave nothing untouched. It felt like she stood on the precipice of a storm that could either destroy or transform.

Despite the overwhelming sense of impending chaos, Olivia couldn't deny the yearning that resonated within her. She felt a curious readiness, a desire to be swept up in the storm he carried with him. The rest of her workday had passed in a haze of tension. His unwavering gaze had the power to make her feel like the most coveted and exquisite woman in existence. The intensity was unlike anything she'd ever encountered, raising a mixture of emotions within her.

Fear, an ever-present companion, danced alongside intrigue and smoldering passion. Olivia's heart was caught in a sea of emotions, a vortex of feelings that left her breathless and uncertain yet irresistibly drawn to the storm that was Ethan.

Olivia's phone rang, a sudden interruption to her deep thoughts. She was surprised when she glanced at the screen and saw Daniel's name lighting up. With reluctance, she answered the call. "Hello, Daniel," she greeted, her voice soft, still echoing the lingering tension from the meeting.

"Olivia," Daniel responded warmly. "It was great to see you today. I'm truly sorry about how things ended. I didn't anticipate seeing you there, and I hope it didn't create any problems with Ethan. Dating your boss, Liv? Don't you think that will only end in catastrophe?"

The mention of Ethan's name struck a chord. "My personal life is separate from work, Daniel," she replied, "and absolutely none of your business," her tone firm and a touch exasperated. 

However, his response was composed, as he acknowledged, "You're right. I overstepped, and I apologize."

Pausing momentarily, Daniel changed the topic, trying to mend the bridge between them. "I was hoping, despite everything, you might consider having dinner with me."

Olivia hesitated. Her emotions conflicted. The connection between her and Daniel still ran deep, and old feelings stirred. But her relationship with Ethan added a layer of complexity she couldn't ignore. Olivia finally responded, "I'll need to think about it, Daniel."

"Come on, Olivia," Daniel implored, his voice filled with genuine longing. "For 'old times' sake. I just want to catch up and see how you're doing. We share a lot of history, and I'd like to find a way to be friends moving forward."

Olivia's hesitation hung in the air as she contemplated his request. She finally replied, "I'm not entirely sure, Daniel."

Determined to persuade her, Daniel pressed on, "Let's go to Pasta Garden, your favorite place. It'll be a trip down memory lane. Besides, I'd love to hear more about your role at Jameson Enterprises and how you are doing overall."

Thoughts swirled in Olivia's mind. She cautiously gave in, "Alright, Daniel, but just dinner. Nothing else."

A warm chuckle escaped him as he said, "Of course, just dinner. Let's meet at 7:30."


Logan and Ethan had just arrived at the pub and ordered a couple of pints of Guinness. After a few sips and with the atmosphere of the cozy pub enveloping them, Logan turned to Ethan; concern etched on his face.

"What the hell, man? You need to get your shit together," Logan said, his voice laced with worry. "You wanna tell me about what happened today during the meeting?"

Ethan took a deep breath and leaned in, confiding in his brother. "That man you escorted out was Olivia's ex-husband, Daniel."

Logan let out a low whistle, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I see. Well, that makes things complicated."

Ethan began to recount the events from the chance encounter with Daniel at a restaurant to his suspicions about Daniel's affair with another woman before his divorce from Olivia. The pub's low lighting created an intimate space for them to discuss these intricate matters.

"Ethan," Logan began, "there's a lot of history between Olivia and Daniel, and you need to give her some space. If you keep being so intense, you will scare her off. She's a smart woman, and I believe she'll come to see Daniel for who he truly is. Time is a great tool for gaining perspective."

Ethan sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I know you're right, but I can't help this intense jealousy I feel when another man is around her. This feeling is unfamiliar to me. I want her to be completely mine."

Logan chuckled at his big brother's confession and teased, "Ah, is my big brother falling in love?"

Ethan playfully shoved Logan, half-smiling, and said, "So what if I am?" The bond between the two brothers was strong, and Logan could see the genuine emotions in Ethan's eyes.

"Well," Logan responded, studying his brother's face, "I've only seen you act like this once before, Ethan, so I think it must be real. But please, be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt, and I'd do anything to see Olivia whole again. She's been through a lot, you know."

Ethan nodded in agreement, understanding the weight of Logan's words. "I know, and I'll do my best to be patient and let things develop naturally. Olivia means a lot to me, and I don't want to cause any pain for her."

As they were finishing their drinks, Ethan's eyes wandered to the window, and he spotted a woman resembling Olivia stepping out of a cab. She looked like a goddess standing in the middle of the street. His heart leaped into his throat when he saw Daniel appear around the corner, approaching her. Frustration and jealousy welled inside him, and he couldn't help but mutter, "What in the hell?"

He pushed back from the table, ready to claim what was his, but Logan, ever the voice of reason, sensed the brewing storm and held Ethan back. "Ethan," he warned, "this is the part where you need to give her some space."

Ethan's hands were balled into fists. His jaw clenched so tight it could have shattered steel. He wanted nothing more than to break free from Logan's grip - but instead, he nodded stiffly and muttered in defeat, "Fine. Another round of drinks for us then. This is going to be a long night."