Dinner with Daniel


Olivia's trepidation about meeting Daniel for dinner lingered like a haunting melody. Returning to this place and sharing a meal with him dredged up a sense of nostalgia that she couldn't decide if it was helpful in moving forward with her life or just a painful reverie.

As she stepped out of the cab, Daniel greeted her with a smile. Even though they were divorced, she couldn't help but acknowledge that he was an attractive man. She knew him inside and out, or at least she thought she did. Memories of their life together came rushing back – how he relished driving on those rare days he had off work, his preference for over-easy eggs sprinkled with cayenne, and his morning grumpiness until that first cup of coffee. These memories were once cherished, but now they merely served as bittersweet reminders of what they once had, filling her with aching regret.

"Hey, Liv," Daniel greeted her warmly, pulling her into a brief hug. "Thanks for meeting me tonight."

Olivia offered a small smile. "Well, I'm still feeling a bit unsure," she admitted, "but I'm here, so let's go eat."

The restaurant's host led them to a booth by the window. Olivia was relieved they weren't seated in their favorite booth, as it would have only added to the discomfort of the evening.

As they settled in, Daniel remarked, "So, Liv, it's good to see you. I must admit, I was surprised to see all the changes you've made in your life already."

"Well, Daniel," Olivia responded, "I hope you didn't expect me to sit around and mope all day. Yes, I admit I went through some dark days, but I'm happy to find purpose again."

"Olivia," Daniel began, "I'm really happy for you. I hardly recognize the new you. And a new boyfriend too?"

At that moment, the waiter arrived to take their order, giving Olivia a moment to collect her thoughts. "Well," she eventually replied, "it's something new. Ethan and I are just getting to know each other."

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "I don't know," he said, "he seems to be pretty obsessed to me."

A smile tugged at the corners of Olivia's dark red lips as she thought about how Ethan was with her. His possessiveness made her feel like she truly belonged and had a place in his world. She could be herself around him and just let her guard down; it was something that she found herself doing more as their relationship progressed. 

Olivia, not wanting the conversation to only flow one way, asked Daniel, "So what about you? How is your job as a doctor coming along? Is it everything you dreamed it would be?"

Daniel sat back, his expression thoughtful, as he contemplated her question. "To be honest, Olivia," he began, "it's a very demanding job. The long hours, the emotional toll of dealing with patients' suffering, and the constant need to stay updated on the latest medical advancements can be overwhelming. I sometimes feel lonely, and I didn't realize how much of a grounding person you were in my life."

He went on to explain the pressures of his work, the rigorous schedule, and how it had affected his personal life. Olivia listened, feeling a mix of empathy and a sense of closure. She knew that if they were still together, she would be on the sidelines, available to him when he needed her, but it wouldn't go both ways.

At that moment, their food was served. The pasta here was her favorite, with the rich aroma of garlic and basil wafting up from her plate, but she only had a little appetite.

"It was nice to meet Cindy," Olivia began, picking at her food. "Are you two dating?"

Daniel fidgeted nervously at that question. He glanced around the restaurant, his eyes avoiding her intense gaze. The soft lighting in the cozy Italian eatery made his hesitation more visible.

 "Well, not really," he admitted, finally meeting her eyes. "We're just good friends, at least for now. We've had a lot of rotations together at work and get along really well. I guess we'll see if things develop."

Olivia observed his nervousness, the subtle signs that perhaps there was more to his relationship with Cindy than he was letting on. The dimly lit restaurant seemed to accentuate the tension in the air as they danced around the lingering emotions from their past.

"I have to ask," Olivia said, a hint of curiosity in her eyes, "why didn't she know I was your ex-wife? Did you not tell her you were married?"

Daniel sighed, realizing he had to address this issue. "I'm sorry about that, Liv," he said, sipping his wine, "I know it was awkward. I try not to mix my work and personal life."

Olivia couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his explanation. She studied Daniel's face, her emotions a mix of skepticism and lingering hurt. "I see," she replied, her tone somewhat distant, not entirely buying his story. She couldn't ignore the feeling that there was more to this than he let on. The soft murmur of restaurant conversation filled the space between them, but a tangible tension lingered in the air.

Daniel leaned in, his eyes sparkling with emotional intensity as he reached across the table and took Olivia's hand. As his fingers touched hers, Olivia felt a swirl of emotions. She missed the familiarity of Daniel, the comfort of someone she once knew so well. But there was something different now, a feeling she couldn't ignore.

"Olivia," Daniel began, his voice gentle and longing, "I miss us."

Olivia couldn't help but chuckle quietly, the sound tinged with a touch of melancholy. She knew that what Daniel missed wasn't necessarily her as a person but the life they had built together. She had always made their house a home, attending to his every need, and was wholeheartedly devoted to him. She had given up many years of her life to support and help him become the person he was. But now, she had moved on, and the woman across from him was no longer the same. The intimacy she once felt was gone.

As Daniel's fingers continued to hold her hand, Olivia slowly withdrew her grip, an unspoken signal that their past was a chapter she had closed.