Turf War

Olivia's day passed rapidly as she delved into the intricate details of the East Coast Project. She was acutely aware of the project's importance and potential to boost the company's revenue significantly. The pressure was on, and Olivia was determined not to make any errors.

Barbara's role as one of the lead consultants within the project team added an extra layer of tension. Olivia understood that working alongside Barbara might be challenging, but she was prepared to face the obstacles ahead.

Olivia and Ethan had managed to maintain a professional and cordial atmosphere in the office since their lunch together. Despite the occasional intense stares from Ethan that seemed to pierce her soul, Olivia found the rest of the day productive and relatively uneventful. The projects were moving forward, and Olivia was committed to keeping them on track despite the looming challenges.

As Olivia engrossed herself in her reading, a sudden rapping on her desk disrupted her concentration. Startled, she glanced up to find Logan standing there, a charming smile gracing his face. His presence had an instantly calming effect on her, and her return smile was genuinely warm.

They hadn't seen much of each other since the holidays, and Olivia couldn't help but appreciate the serenity his presence brought. "Is the big man in his office?" Logan inquired with a playful tone.

Olivia chuckled in response. "Yes, he is," she confirmed. "Well," Logan began, leaning closer, "will I get the bull or the bear today?"

Olivia joined in his playful banter. "I believe you may get the bear, but who knows," she mused, "his demeanor does change quite often." Their brief exchange was a welcomed respite. 

"I've missed you," Logan confessed.

Olivia's response was immediate and heartfelt. "I miss you too," she exclaimed.

Logan suggested an outing after work. "Let's get together after work and have some fun," he proposed.

Olivia hesitated, her tone awkward. "Well," she began, "Ethan is taking me shopping to spend your gift card after work."

Logan playfully placed his hand over his heart, feigning surprise. "Wait, Ethan, and shopping? What spell have you placed on him?"

Olivia chuckled. "It's more like an apology from Ethan," she explained. "But I'll let him tell you the details."

Logan was thrilled. "I'm totally coming along," he declared. "This is going to be fun."

Olivia teased him, "Suit yourself, but you must get approval from the big man." They both laughed at the idea.

Logan continued to joke with Olivia. "Ok," he said. "I'm going in. If I don't come out in 10 minutes, send in the rescue squad." 

Olivia laughed at Logan's dramatic proclamation. "Alright, I'll keep my eye on the time. Just remember, enter at your own risk!"


Ethan's fingers tapped impatiently on his desk as he sat there, watching the playful exchange between Olivia and Logan. It was as though his worst fears were manifesting right in front of him. The camaraderie, laughter, and ease with which they interacted made his skin crawl.

He thought to himself, "What the hell, man?"

His mind was already occupied with the troubling fact that Olivia had recently spent time with her ex-husband, Daniel. Now, here was Logan, his own brother, adding to the tangled web of relationships and tensions that seemed to be growing more complex by the day.

Logan breezed into Ethan's office, an easy smile on his face. But Ethan was not in the mood for pleasantries. "Go away," Ethan grumbled, his scowl deepening.

Logan, under his breath, muttered, "Definitely the bull." He shrugged off Ethan's initial hostility and quipped, "What's up with you, big brother?"

Ethan's expression remained stormy as he shot back, "Don't you have your own office? Why are you in mine?"

Logan remained unperturbed by his brother's demeanor, saying, "Relax, I'm not here to steal your secretary or your office, though it seems you're having quite the turf war here." 

He grinned before adding, "But don't worry, I'll keep it short. You two have your shopping plans, after all."

Logan continued, "It's just that Olivia and I have this easy rapport, like old friends, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. If it's an issue, I'll tone it down."

Ethan's tension began to ease as he processed his brother's words. He huffed and replied, "Logan, you don't need my permission to be friends with Olivia. It's not like you're trying to date her."

Logan chuckled, "No, definitely not. That would be crossing a line. But I WILL be a friend to her and protect her from harm. And that includes you should you mess things up. She said this shopping trip is an apology of sorts. Care to explain what happened?" 

Ethan uttered a curse word under his breath before saying, "I might have gone to her house drunk last night, and I might've acted inappropriately. Several times."

Logan cursed himself for not escorting Ethan back home the night before. He turned to him and said, "I told you, you need to get your act together. If you don't lower your intensity, she'll be gone before this gets any further." 

Ethan sighed in response; he knew Logan was right. Seeing her with Daniel last night sent his emotions into overdrive. 

Logan asked, "Did you tell her why you were drunk last night?" 

No," Ethan responded, "I don't want her to think I'm keeping tabs on her."

Sensing the gravity of his brother's feelings for Olivia, Logan decided he needed to play a moderating role to ensure Ethan didn't make any major mistakes. He chuckled and said, "Well, I'm here if you ever need someone to bail you out, big brother."

Ethan sighed in relief and said, "I might take you up on that."

Logan then shifted the conversation to a more professional tone. "Ethan, I originally came up to check on the East Coast Project. Is everything on track?"

Ethan nodded and answered, "I believe it is, and we are progressing towards closing. I handed everything over to Olivia, and I trust her ability to keep us on schedule."

"Ok," Logan said, preparing to leave the office. "Let me know if you need any help. This is important, and we stand to gain a lot of money if we can close the deal." 

"Thanks, Logan. I'll keep you updated. We can't afford to mess this up." He watched his brother exit the office and sighed, knowing that the project was crucial.