Shopping Time

As Olivia and Ethan gathered their things to head out for the shopping trip, they heard a cheerful voice calling, "Wait for me!" Turning around, they were surprised to see Logan jogging towards them with a mischievous grin.

"Couldn't resist joining the party, could you?" Olivia quipped, her playful tone masking her internal surprise. Meanwhile, Ethan couldn't help but scowl at the unexpected addition.

Logan, unfazed by Ethan's reaction, stepped closer and addressed his big brother with a sheepish grin. "Ethan, mind if I come along?"

Ethan glanced at Logan, skepticism written all over his face. "This is supposed to be an apology trip, Logan. Are you apologizing for something?"

Logan's grin widened, his charm on full display. "You could say that. I want to apologize for all the times Olivia has had to spend alone time with you."

Ethan rolled his eyes but didn't immediately say no. Olivia, torn between enjoying Logan's company and sensing Ethan's discomfort, chimed in. "Come on, Ethan, it'll be fun. Logan and I can bond over the misadventures of our relationship with you."

With a reluctant sigh, Ethan finally relented. "Fine, you can come, but you're not driving my car. You take the back seat."

Logan, still beaming, replied, "Deal! Back seat it is." He joined them in the car, ready for an evening of shopping and, more importantly, ready to bridge the gap between the two people he cared about most.

Olivia couldn't hide her amazement as they approached the shopping center. The grandeur of the place was overwhelming. Logan had given her a gift card worth a staggering $5,000 for Christmas. At first, she felt guilty about accepting such an expensive gift, but Logan's sincerity and the sheer joy in his eyes when he presented it to her were undeniable. How could she refuse such a heartfelt gesture?

She had never frequented upscale boutiques or extravagant stores like this. In her mind, splurging on high-end clothing didn't make practical sense. Yet, her world had changed. She was no longer just a regular woman; she was now the secretary to the CEO of Jameson Enterprises, and she didn't want to disappoint. The pressure to fit in with the corporate elite was mounting, and Logan's generous gift had arrived at the perfect time, turning her reservations into an opportunity to make the right impression.

Olivia had been uncertain about how a shopping trip with two men, each with distinct personalities, would unfold. As it turned out, shopping with Logan was an enjoyable surprise. Throughout their outing, Logan became a delightful and spirited presence, infusing the day with laughter through his jokes and playful banter. Olivia and Logan navigated the stores enthusiastically, leaving Ethan to sulk on the sidelines, his dark mood unmistakable.

Logan noticed how intently Ethan observed their interactions. It was as if his brother was on edge, tightly wound. Logan decided to have some fun at Ethan's expense, knowing that his antics would only heighten his brother's tension.

Growing increasingly annoyed by Logan's presence, Ethan dropped a subtle hint, "Don't you have somewhere to be, Logan?"

Logan grinned and said, "Nope," with a touch of mischief in his eyes.

 As they strolled through the shopping center, Olivia's eyes were captivated by a stunning royal blue gown displayed in a store window. The gown was exquisite, shimmering with intricate beadwork and a flowing silhouette that seemed to defy gravity. Its elegance and style were truly breathtaking.

Recognizing that Ethan was nearing his limits with his playful antics, Logan excused himself, saying he would check out a men's store across the way and meet them later. As Logan departed, Ethan seized the opportunity to have some private time with Olivia. He couldn't help but notice her longing glance at the beautiful gown, and he led her into the shop.

Ethan confidently addressed the clerk, "We would like to try the dress in the window, please."

Olivia hesitated, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Ethan, I was just admiring its beauty. I can tell it's way out of my price range."

Ethan leaned closer, his warm breath tickling her ear as he whispered, "Do me a favor and try it on. It's the least you can do after dragging me around tonight."

Olivia looked up at him, his smile the stuff of gods. His face was flushed, his eyes lit, and she so badly wanted to kiss him.

Her chest felt light as a feather. It seemed like a mirage. His breath was warm against her skin. She was only a few inches from a kiss. She couldn't help but be distracted by his lips; they looked firm and kissable. 

Olivia leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek. Yes, sir, Mr. Jameson, she responded. Ethan let off a slight growl. You will pay for that later. The clerk interrupted their moment by bringing the dress out for Olivia to try on. She discreetly gave Ethan a nod before disappearing into the fitting room.

The dress was sparkling with gems and beadwork, yet the color was a rich, deep blue. It hugged her every curve. It was a work of art. Its plunging neckline added a touch of sensuality. The long, wispy sleeves added a touch of ethereal grace to the ensemble. As Olivia examined the dress, she gasped when her eyes landed on the price tag. It felt like a small fortune and would take her several months of hard-earned paychecks to afford.

Sensing her hesitation, Ethan encouraged her, "Come out, Olivia." With trembling hands, she slid them down her sides and stepped out of the fitting room. The moment she emerged, Ethan's breath caught in his throat at the sight of her in the exquisite gown.

Olivia's customary awkwardness was replaced with a newfound feminine confidence that made her glow.

Ethan stood and approached her with a smile."Olivia," he said, his voice low and smooth, "you've outdone yourself with this dress." 

The silky fabric flowed around Olivia's curves like water, highlighting every inch of her flawless figure. 

"You are enchanting," Ethan said with a lustful gaze. 

Olivia felt her confidence surge at Ethan's words, the soft blush on her cheeks deepening as she met his gaze. 

"I can only imagine how good you'd look wearing it for me," he added in a husky whisper, sending a shiver down Olivia's spine.

The hemline grazed the tops of her bare feet as she twirled before him. Olivia laughed and spun again, feeling like a goddess with Ethan's eyes on her.

Ethan pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately.

Olivia responded to his kiss with equal fervor. As the kiss lingered, Olivia felt the flutter of desire rising in her core. She deepened the kiss and pressed her body against his as she yearned for more. Ethan responded in kind, setting a tantalizing tempo as he gently probed her mouth with his tongue. The moment she felt the slow burn of desire within her, Olivia reluctantly pulled away, stunned by her immediate reaction. This man did all sorts of things to her. 

Flustered and embarrassed, Olivia reluctantly stepped away from Ethan, her mind racing with disbelief over their public make-out session. She couldn't believe what had just happened and felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. She quickly retreated to the dressing room to regain her composure and removed the exquisite dress.

When Olivia returned, she overheard Ethan instructing the clerk, "Wrap it up." Panic washed over her, and she protested, "Ethan, no, it's too much!" But he raised an eyebrow and handed the clerk a gold card.

Assuming they were a couple, the clerk asked politely, "Sir, would you like this shipped for your girlfriend?" Olivia began to correct the misunderstanding, but Ethan interjected with a curt "Yes," providing her address without consulting her. Olivia watched in shock as the purchase was finalized; a beautiful yet incredibly expensive gown was now part of her life.

Still feeling slightly overwhelmed by the extravagant dress purchase, Olivia said with gratitude, "Thank you, Ethan."

He responded with a playful smile, "Well, Olivia, it comes with a price."

Intrigued, Olivia rolled her eyes, feigning exasperation, and inquired, "And what might that be?"

Ethan's eyes twinkled as he replied, "You must promise to let me take you out so you can wear that dress."

The idea of another date with Ethan made Olivia's heart flutter. She extended her hand with a playful smile and said, "Deal!" They shook on it, sealing the agreement.