A Fun Time

Logan, feeling a bit like the third wheel, discreetly sent a text to Ethan. It read, "I'm going to hang around for a bit and find my way home later." He sensed the connection between Ethan and Olivia and decided to give them some space.

Upon receiving Logan's message, Ethan's heart brimmed with secret delight. He cherished his brother but also longed for some one-on-one time with Olivia.

Olivia, expressing her appreciation, thanked Ethan again for accompanying her on the shopping trip. Being considerate, she offered to arrange her ride home to avoid imposing on him. Little did she know that Ethan lived in the same building as her. 

With a sly grin, he responded, "No worries, it's on my way."

"All right, if you insist," Olivia responded hesitantly. 

Ethan went outside to get the car, and Olivia turned around when she heard someone calling her name. As she turned, she saw a beautiful girl with flowing cascades of red hair that fell down her back. Her captivating blue eyes and mesmerizing smile instantly caught Olivia's attention. The girl was dressed in a chic business suit and elegant block heels.

"Jenna? Jenna Sinclair?" Olivia gasped, her eyes widening with surprise. Without a moment's hesitation, they embraced.

"Olivia!" Jenna exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth. "I've been a terrible friend, and I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how hard the past few months must have been for you, especially after your divorce."

Jenna continued, "I've been pouring my heart and soul into trying to achieve the Junior Partner position at the law firm, working day and night. I'm genuinely sorry I haven't been there for you, Liv." Olivia smiled, appreciating the sincerity in Jenna's voice.

"It's okay, Jenna," Olivia reassured her. "The time alone has actually given me some new-found perspective." 

"Was that a man you were with?" Jenna asked inquisitively.

Olivia laughed and replied, "Yes, and it's complicated." 

"We really have a lot to catch up on," Olivia said. 

Jenna nodded eagerly and agreed to meet for drinks over the weekend to catch up on each other's lives. "Give me a call, and let's make it happen!" she exclaimed as she walked away.

Olivia's thoughts drifted back to Jenna Sinclair as she waited for Ethan. Jenna had been the only friend who had stood by her throughout her separation. She admired Jenna's unwavering loyalty and strong character. Jenna was an exceptional individual, but she was also a tough nut to crack. Anyone who ended up with her would undoubtedly have their hands full. She was a no-nonsense person, unapologetically straightforward, and would not tolerate anyone's nonsense.

Ethan pulled up, and together, they loaded her shopping packages into the car. Always the gentleman, Ethan walked around and opened the car door for her, taking her hand as she got in. The spark of electricity from his touch still sent shivers down Olivia's spine. He had a mischievous smile as he gently lifted her hand and planted a kiss on it.

As they drove around the other side of the shopping complex, Olivia's eyes began to sparkle with excitement. She noticed an ice skating rink ahead, and her enthusiasm was contagious. "Look, Ethan, an ice skating rink!" she exclaimed.

Ethan could sense her eagerness, and he, too, was looking for more ways to infuse fun into their relationship. Lately, it had felt a bit too serious. He decided to seize the opportunity and pulled over to the side of the road. Olivia looked at him with anticipation. "Are you serious?" she asked.

Ethan smiled and replied, "Yes, I am. Though I should warn you, I have little to no experience, so please don't have high expectations of my performance." He chuckled, looking at her with playful eyes.

Feeling like a schoolgirl who had just been invited to an amusement park, Olivia leaned over and kissed Ethan's cheek sweetly. "Let's go!" she excitedly proclaimed as she eagerly exited the car, ready for a night filled with laughter and adventure on the ice.

They laced up their skates and made their way onto the ice. It was a weeknight, so the rink was relatively quiet, perfect for a relaxed evening. Ethan used to excelling in everything he did, felt entirely out of his element. He had never been a fan of feeling anything less than the best, so this was a new experience for him. Olivia slid her arm around his waist, and suddenly, he began to see the appeal of ice skating. It was hard not to enjoy the warmth of her presence by his side, guiding him along the ice.

As they glided onto the rink, Olivia's attention was momentarily diverted by the graceful figure skaters performing mesmerizing figure eights and intricate spins in the center. The sight left her in awe of their skill.

After their first lap around the rink, Ethan decided to take a break and gestured for Olivia to go and enjoy herself. A wide smile brightened her face as she agreed. She couldn't help but be captivated by the freedom and exhilaration that skating brought her.

Ethan sat at the edge of the rink, his gaze fixed on Olivia as she effortlessly maneuvered around the ice, performing elegant spins and twirls. She had clearly retained the lessons her mom had insisted she take when she was younger, and her skills were shining.

Feeling the wind rush past her and the ice beneath her skates, Olivia experienced a thrill she hadn't felt in a long time. The sensation of gliding on ice was liberating, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Glancing over to the side, she saw Ethan's intense gaze, fixated on her every move. It made her feel desired and cherished in a truly heartwarming way. She couldn't help but put on an impromptu show for him, knowing he was watching her as if she were the only person in the world.

After a few more laps around the rink, Olivia noticed Ethan was no longer by the edge. She gracefully glided over to the benches, her skates easily cutting through the ice. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Ethan approaching, holding two steaming cups of hot chocolate. She couldn't help but exclaim, "Perfect!"

As Olivia accepted one of the cups, she let out a contented sigh and leaned against Ethan. "Thank you, Ethan," she whispered. "I haven't had this much fun in a very long time. With you, I'm rediscovering myself, my likes, my joys. You make me feel complete."

Ethan wrapped his arm around her and pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head.

"Nothing but the best for my girl," he replied with a warm smile. "All I want is the best for you in all things."

A soft chuckle escaped Olivia's lips as she noticed Ethan had already removed his skates. She teased him, asking, "Not up for round two, huh?"

He grinned and confessed, "I'm good, but I could watch you all night."

Olivia leaned in, her lips meeting his with a gentle and affectionate kiss. It was a sweet gesture, filled with the deep emotions she held for him. In that brief moment, she poured her heart into the kiss, and Ethan felt every ounce of her affection.

"All right," Olivia finally said, pulling away with a tender smile. "Let's go. I'm going to be exhausted tonight."

Ethan gladly took her hand, and together, they made their way off the ice, leaving the rink behind as they walked into the night, content in each other's company.