A Night Out

The ride back to Olivia's apartment was tranquil, filled with a comfortable silence, accompanied by the soothing notes of light jazz music playing softly in the background. The atmosphere inside the car was warm and inviting.

However, the peaceful moment was suddenly interrupted by the buzzing of Olivia's phone. She reached for it and saw a message from Daniel.

"Hey Liv, I was wondering if we could meet up soon..."

Olivia glanced at the message, feeling awkward about receiving a text from Daniel.

Ethan, who had noticed the message, inquired, "Who's that?" Olivia replied, "Oh, just an old friend," with a hint of unease in her voice.

Daniel's sudden contact left Olivia feeling torn. She had been progressing in embracing her new life, working on moving forward, and building a connection with Ethan. Yet here was Daniel, her past, trying to pull her back into his world. It was a step backward, and Olivia was determined to keep moving forward. She didn't want to undo her progress or jeopardize her budding relationship with Ethan. So, she had to figure out how to respond to Daniel while maintaining the life she had been working so hard to build.


Ethan couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration whenever he saw Daniel's name come up. That guy couldn't leave Olivia alone, and Ethan had noticed how it affected her. He knew he had to tread carefully; being overly possessive would only push her away. Pulling up to her apartment, he tried to keep his cool.

"So, New Year's is in a couple of days," Ethan began, attempting to steer the conversation away from Daniel. "Do you have any plans?"

Olivia chuckled, her eyes holding a hint of uncertainty, "Well, does watching chick flicks with my mom and eating ice cream count?"

"Absolutely not," Ethan replied, trying to lighten the mood. "Some of my friends are getting together. Would you like to join us?"

Olivia hesitated, considering the invitation. "Can I think about it?"

"Sure," Ethan replied with a smile, trying to be patient. "But don't leave me hanging too long."

"I won't," she promised, her eyes locking with his for a moment before she exited the car.

Ethan watched as she walked away from him, her hips moving from side to side in a gentle sway. A breeze blew a strand of hair across her back, and Ethan wanted nothing more than to kiss her, to feel her lips on his and know that this beautiful creature would be his. He felt a yearning for her. One that went beyond explanation. He recoiled in surprise at the desire he felt. He had never been this close to losing control. Ethan breathed deeply, trying to push the raging emotions aside. He clenched his jaw and ground his teeth, struggling to contain his ravenous desire for Olivia. The thought of finally possessing her grew more overpowering with each passing second. Soon, she would be all his, and this long-held fantasy would become reality.


Olivia was fully immersed in her work during the next couple of days. The East Coast Project was in full swing, and according to the project briefs, Ethan would need to make a trip on the 15th to sign the contract and finalize the deal. It was a significant undertaking, but Olivia was determined to ensure everything went smoothly.

She spent her time meticulously reviewing the notes left behind by Ethan's previous secretary, ensuring that all travel arrangements were booked and he had everything he needed for the upcoming trip. While she was relatively new to the job, she quickly adapted and found her rhythm.

As she reviewed contracts and examined clauses, Olivia couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. For the first time in a long time, she felt genuinely valuable and capable of standing on her own. It was a reassuring feeling, giving her a renewed sense of purpose.

Engrossed in reading, Olivia was suddenly startled by a presence near her desk. She blinked and refocused, finding Ethan standing there. Clearing his throat, he said, "Can I speak to you in my office, Olivia?"

Olivia smiled nervously, aware of the predatory look in his eyes. "Certainly, Mr. Jameson," she replied.

It didn't escape her notice how his smirk seemed to grow at her response. He was clearly enjoying the effect he had on her.

In his office, Ethan leaned against his desk and gazed at Olivia.

"Olivia," he began, "tonight is New Year's Eve, and you owe me a night out in that dress."

New Year's Eve, Olivia thought. She had yet to give him a definitive answer about celebrating the occasion. Her hesitation was a mixture of feeling unprepared for a new year without Daniel and a hint of uncertainty about embracing a fresh start. She had spent so many years celebrating with her ex-husband, and it was an odd feeling to consider marking the occasion without him.

Ethan noticed her fidgeting and could sense her unease, and he gently prodded for the truth.

"What's going on, Olivia? Why the hesitation?" he inquired. Olivia felt a pang of guilt but decided to be honest with him.

"To be honest, Ethan," she said, her voice wavering slightly, "this is my first New Year's Eve as a divorcee. I'm unsure if I should celebrate or stay at home, curled up with a bowl of ice cream." She looked down, her gaze filled with a touch of sadness.

Ethan stepped closer to her and whispered in her ear, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.

"You will do no such thing. Go home, put on that beautiful dress, and I will pick you up at 8 o'clock." He spoke with such authority that Olivia started to protest, but Ethan wouldn't hear any objections.

Olivia hesitated. She wasn't used to being told what to do. But there was something about the way Ethan spoke that made her want to comply. Maybe it was the dangerous glint in his dark eyes or the way his muscular arms flexed when he crossed them.

Without a word, Olivia nodded and turned on her heel, walking briskly away from Ethan. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking into something she couldn't control, but the thrill of the unknown was too much to resist.

At 8 o'clock on the dot, Olivia heard her doorbell ring. "Coming," she yelled as she approached the door. Olivia lost her breath as Ethan stood there dressed in a black suit, a white dress shirt, and a steel blue tie. He looked like a fashion model in an ad. The suit accentuated his broad shoulders and sharp jawline while his hair was slicked back like he'd just come from the barbershop. He looked astonishingly handsome. Olivia took a moment to collect herself. She could smell his cologne. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes, letting the scent calm her nerves. She was overcome with the urge to kiss that full bottom lip. She wanted to taste the sweetness of his breath on her lips and feel his tongue on hers.

Bringing her out of her revelry, Ethan said, "Well, hello, beautiful."

Olivia felt her heart race as she looked straight into Ethan's amber eyes. She smiled and said, "You are so handsome." Ethan leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as he whispered in her ear, "And you look absolutely stunning."

Olivia blushed, a warm feeling spread across her cheeks as Ethan took her hand. She was surprised by his gentle touch, soft and comforting. Ethan led her to his car, opened the door for her, and helped her inside. He took his place in the driver's seat, and as he started the car, he turned to her with a smile.

"Are you ready for our night out, Olivia?" he asked, his voice low and smooth.

Olivia nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She had never been on a date like this before and was nervous and excited.

"Where are we going, Ethan? Am I overdressed?" 

Ethan smiled at her and took her hand in his. "You look perfect, Olivia. Our destination is a surprise," he said with a wink. Olivia felt a sense of excitement. She was curious about where Ethan was taking her and trusted him enough to let him take the lead.