The Gala

As they drove through the city, Ethan kept stealing glances at Olivia, his eyes glimmering with admiration. Olivia felt herself getting lost in his gaze, and she felt a growing attraction to him. She wanted to feel his strong arms around her, to be held in his embrace. She could feel her body yearning for his touch, knowing that this night would be a turning point in their relationship.

They arrived at the luxurious New Year's Eve Gala at the prestigious Grand Plaza Hotel. Outside the grand building, a line of fancy cars were pulling up, including sleek limousines and high-end sports cars. Guests, dressed to the nines, were making their way into the venue, looking like they had stepped out of a glamorous movie scene.

Olivia began to have a panic attack, her heart racing as they pulled up to the luxurious venue. "Ethan!" she exclaimed. "This is not my scene. This is way out of my league. I don't know how to interact with these people!"

Ethan sensed her nervousness and gently reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Relax, Olivia. I will be by your side the whole time. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and all these high-society women will be green with envy."

Olivia swallowed her anxiety and asked with uncertainty, "Are you sure? I don't want to embarrass you."

Ethan scoffed at the idea. "Please," he said confidently. "I will be the envy of every man in that building. I will probably have to lay a few of them out if they don't keep their eyes to themselves."

Olivia chuckled nervously and said, "OK, if you say so."

Ethan, ever the gentleman, stepped out of the car and walked over to Olivia's side. He opened the door, offering her his arm with a reassuring smile. "Olivia, you're going to do just fine. And if anyone gives you trouble, well, they'll have me to deal with," he said with a smirk.

The valet, accepting the generous tip, took care of the car. Ethan escorted Olivia into the extravagant event, his protective presence providing her with a sense of security amidst the opulence.

As they entered the grand venue, all eyes turned to behold the stunning couple that had arrived. The hushed conversations were momentarily silenced as people marveled at the striking pair. Radiantly in her shimmering blue gown, Olivia turned heads and captured the room's attention.

Ethan could see the unmistakable looks of admiration from several men who couldn't help but eye Olivia. It irked him to see his Olivia being the subject of such attention. He made a mental note to ensure that he kept her by his side throughout the evening, his possessive instincts taking over.

Ethan's hand found Olivia's, and he pulled her closer as they navigated the room. He was determined to make this night memorable and ensure that she felt like she belonged with him.

As they mingled through the crowd, Charles, Ethan's lifelong friend, approached them with a warm smile on his face. "Ethan, my old friend, you've been away for far too long," he greeted, offering his hand for a firm shake.

Ethan smiled back and shook Charles's hand. "It's good to be back, Charles. And this is Olivia, a very special person in my life," he said, introducing Olivia with a fond look in his eyes.

Olivia extended her hand, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the event's grandeur. "Nice to meet you, Charles," she blushed.

Charles took her hand and gallantly kissed it. "The pleasure is all mine, Olivia," he replied, making her blush even deeper. It had been years since Ethan had a woman by his side, so he knew she must be one special person.

"Olivia, Charles, and I are childhood friends," Ethan explained, his eyes fixed on her. "Charles here is quite accomplished; he owns his own law firm."

Charles grinned and chimed in, "I'm kind of a big deal."

Ethan couldn't resist a sarcastic comment. "Your lack of faith hurts me, Ethan," Charles laughed. "Well, Olivia, if you ever get in trouble, you know where to find me. I've had to bail Ethan out more than once."

Olivia leaned forward with a playful glint in her eye, intrigued by the idea of Ethan getting into some escapades. "Please tell me more," she said, eager to hear the stories.

However, Ethan didn't seem thrilled about the prospect of reliving some of his past adventures. He sternly shot Charles and said, "There will be no storytelling tonight."

Charles laughed heartily, seemingly unfazed by Ethan's reaction. "We will definitely catch up later, Olivia. Some stories are best kept for another time."

With a twinkle in his eye, Charles turned back to Ethan. "Well, Ethan, it is good to see you again, and you've already claimed the gem of the night."

Ethan chuckled, reveling in the attention Olivia was getting. "I'm a lucky man," he replied, his arm wrapped around Olivia's waist.

Ethan couldn't help but smirk as Olivia fidgeted with her dress. Charles raised his glass, creating a toast that momentarily enveloped them in warmth and welcome amidst the glitz and glamour of the event.

 "To the most stunning couple of the evening. May we all shine as bright as Olivia's dress tonight." The toast drew smiles and clinking glasses from those nearby.

As the evening continued, Ethan introduced Olivia to more of his friends and business associates, and the initial awkwardness slowly faded as Olivia felt more comfortable in the high-society crowd. She soon found herself engaged in lively conversations and laughter, with Ethan always close by, watching over her like a protective guardian.

Olivia felt grateful for having Ethan as her companion that night. She realized that his presence made her feel like she truly belonged, even in a world so different from her own.

She excused herself to the ladies' room, her heart still fluttering from the grandeur and the unexpected encounters of the night. As she finished freshening up, she heard a voice calling her name, "Olivia!"

Startled, she looked back to see Cindy, Daniel's friend. "Cindy?" Olivia said, surprised by the encounter. "It's so good to see you here."

Cindy smiled warmly. "It's nice to see you too, Olivia." She hesitated momentarily, continuing, "I wanted to apologize for our last encounter. I had no idea you and Daniel had recently gone through a divorce. I hope it wasn't too awkward for you."

Olivia waved her hand dismissively. "It's okay, Cindy. That's all water under the bridge now."

Cindy's smile widened a hint of relief in her eyes. "I'm glad to hear that. I hope we can be friends in the future," she said.

Olivia returned the smile. "I'd like that. But for now, I better get back to Ethan. I'm sure he's looking for me."

Cindy nodded and gave her a friendly smile as she entered the ladies' room.

Olivia began to feel nervous. Surely Daniel wasn't here, was he? She had never known him to attend events like this. During their marriage, they couldn't afford such extravagance. But now, he was a doctor, and she assumed he might have the means for a more lavish lifestyle. Her heart raced at the thought of running into him.

As she rounded a corner, a sudden encounter confirmed her fears. There, standing before her, was Daniel. He reached out and gently grabbed her arms, and his mouth hung open in astonishment as he took in her appearance.

"Olivia?" he said, amazement in his voice. He couldn't hide his surprise at how beautiful she looked in that exquisite gown, and his eyes sparkled with a mixture of emotions.

The transformation from their past life together was striking. Olivia felt a rush of anxiety and curiosity as she stood before her ex-husband, unsure of what to expect from this unplanned encounter.

For a moment, the two stood there, caught in a silent, surprising reunion in the midst of the extravagant New Year's Eve Gala.