Trouble at the Office

Ethan tucked Olivia into bed, admiring her beauty as he did. She was a little tipsy from too much champagne, but she could still get out of the car and into bed alone. He kissed her forehead and left her reluctantly.

He then headed upstairs to his apartment to take a cold shower. He needed to cool off with the icy water, physically and mentally. Olivia consumed his thoughts and also the events of the night. He had wanted her so badly, yet he knew he had done the right thing by waiting until she was truly ready for something more from him - emotionally and physically.

Once his body returned to its usual temperature, Ethan decided it was time for some reflection and introspection. What did he really want from Olivia? What kind of relationship did they have? Was there a future between them, or were they just two people passing each other in the night?

He looked out his window at the night sky, lit by tiny white stars that twinkled like diamonds in an infinite abyss of darkness. Suddenly, it all made sense; he realized why he felt so deeply connected to Olivia - they both yearned for something more but were afraid to reach out and grab it for fear of rejection or indifference. They both knew that if they let go of their fears, perhaps they could find true happiness together.

Taking a deep breath, Ethan decided right then that if Olivia ever asked him about taking their relationship forward, he would answer honestly - yes! Yes, he wanted more from her than just friendship; his feelings ran much deeper than simple desire, and he wanted them both to have an equal part in this beautiful romance that seemed poised to unfold before them if only they had the courage to take it!


Olivia opened her eyes the following day, her mind and heart tangled in confusion and embarrassment about what had happened with Ethan the previous evening. She shook her head in frustration at Daniel's confusing behavior. As she heard her phone beeping, she reached for it hopefully, expecting a message from Ethan. But to her disappointment, it was a text from Daniel: "Hey," he wrote, "just checking in to make sure you made it home okay last night." Olivia sighed heavily as she stared at her device, not knowing how to respond.

Her heart raced at the very thought of Ethan. She was drawn to him but felt confused and uncertain about his intentions. The way he touched her made her feel alive, but it also brought up a flurry of emotions that she wasn't sure how to handle. She desperately wanted to figure out what was happening between them, but fear kept her from making any moves. Ethan. Her body heated at the thought of him. She had never felt so drawn to anyone in her life. She wanted to explode at the thought of the way he touched her. She needed to figure out what was going on with them, and fast!

The following days were characterized by minimal interactions between Olivia and Ethan at work. Ethan's schedule was packed with meetings, and Olivia was busy learning the ropes as his secretary. Occasionally, Logan would drop by, adding a touch of amusement to the otherwise mundane office environment with his knack for getting on his brother's nerves.

One day, while Olivia was double-checking Ethan's flight schedule for the 15th to ensure everything was in order for the East Coast project, she had just finished her morning coffee when Barbara appeared out of nowhere. Barbara confidently strolled toward Ethan's office, and Olivia, with a friendly but assertive tone, asked, "Can I help you?" Barbara sneered at Olivia and condescendingly replied, "I've been here much longer than you, sweetheart. Ethan will want to hear what I have to say."

Olivia couldn't help but inwardly roll her eyes at Barbara's theatrics. There was no need for such dramatics, and she knew for a fact that Ethan had little patience for Barbara's antics. With a composed demeanor, Olivia replied, "Please, go in."

She settled back in her chair with a knowing smile as she sipped her coffee, anticipating the show that was about to unfold. Barbara entered Ethan's office with an air of self-importance, but her presence clearly irked him. Ethan acknowledged her with a curt nod and got straight to the point. "Do you have any updates on the project? Is everything on track?" he asked, his annoyance palpable.

Maintaining her façade of innocence, Barbara replied, "Well, that's why I'm here. I just wanted to make sure that you're good to go today."

Ethan's irritation was evident as he asked, "Good to go where?"

"To Boston, of course," Barbara responded nonchalantly. "Our meeting is tomorrow."

Ethan's expression darkened, and he corrected her with a sharp tone. "No, Barbara, it's on the 15th. There must be a mistake."

Barbara acted surprised, her feigned innocence slipping slightly. "Our meeting is tomorrow, on the 5th," she insisted, creating a sense of confusion and frustration in Ethan.

Olivia felt a sinking sensation as Ethan called her into his office to confirm the meeting date. "It's the 15th, sir," she confirmed.

Barbara, however, insisted, "I'm sorry, but you've made a mistake. I spoke with Mr. Knight on the phone yesterday, and they are expecting us tomorrow. Something must have gotten crossed in the communication."

Ethan muttered a curse under his breath. Olivia's face turned pale as she realized her mistake. She couldn't fathom how it had happened. She had meticulously reviewed all the project details, and there was no mention of a meeting on the 5th. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Jameson," she stammered, feeling a profound sense of guilt.

Ethan looked at Olivia with seriousness. "Please see if you can make travel plans for me today to Boston. I imagine it will take 3-4 days to wrap everything up."

Before Olivia could respond, Barbara chimed in, "No need, Ethan. I already booked our flights that leave at three this afternoon. We can travel together."

Olivia could hardly hide her frustration and embarrassment at the situation. She nodded to them, "I'll ensure everything is ready for your departure."

Ethan felt extremely frustrated at the prospect of traveling with Barbara. She had been relentlessly pursuing him in the past, and he had nearly succumbed to her advances at one point. He felt a sense of guilt towards Olivia, even though he understood that she was still new to the job. This situation made it clear that he needed to keep a closer eye on her work in the future. However, a nagging suspicion at the back of his mind made him wonder just how convenient this was for Barbara. He resolved to get to the bottom of what had really happened.

Barbara looked at Ethan with a seductive glint in her eyes and asked, "Shall I have a car pick you up in a couple of hours, EJ?"

Ethan's stern response cut off her casual tone, "That's Mr. Jameson to you."

Barbara shifted her tone in a deliberate, provocative manner, "Okay, Mr. Jameson."

Ethan was having none of it, though. "No need, Barbara. I'll meet you at the airport." He didn't want to give her any more opportunities for unwanted advances.

As she left the room, Barbara swung her hips suggestively, leaving a sly smile on her face. "See you there," she purred, casting a devilish glance at Olivia before making her exit.