Chat with Mom

Olivia struggled to hold back her tears as she faced Ethan, overwhelmed with guilt. "Ethan, I'm so sorry. I don't know how I missed something so big," she admitted, her self-doubt creeping in.

Ethan, understanding her remorse, tried to reassure her. "It's okay, Olivia. We can talk about this later. For now, please gather all the information and files and send them to me. Moving up the meeting won't hurt the project," he said. "I've got a good grasp on everything. If anything, it will cause us to be able to seal the deal sooner."

Olivia was determined to make amends and ensure that everything was in order for Ethan's trip. As he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Miss me when I'm gone," she couldn't help but smile sadly because she knew she would.

"Don't have too much fun with Barbara," she quipped half-jokingly. Ethan groaned at the thought, his head already pounding. "Hurry back," she said with genuine concern as he hugged her and left the office.


Olivia didn't fully grasp how much she had come to rely on having Ethan around. Their involvement had been relatively short, but it felt like he had become an integral part of her life. She grew restless by the second day of not hearing anything from him, so she decided to visit her mom.

A sense of peace washed over her as she entered her mother's home. The house exuded coziness, with warm colors, soft cushions, and a charming, lived-in feel. The scent of freshly baked apple pie filled the air, and Olivia couldn't help but smile.

"Mom!" Olivia squealed, wrapping Mary in a tight hug. "I didn't even realize how much I missed you."

Mary chuckled, patting her daughter's back. "Oh dear, it's only been a week since I last saw you."

"Mom," Olivia said, her voice tinged with emotion, "I feel like I've lived a lifetime since then."

Mary smiled warmly. "Well, come inside, and let's catch up," she said, leading Olivia into the cozy heart of the home.

"What's going on with you, Mom?" Olivia inquired as she settled into a cozy armchair.

Mary's eyes sparkled with excitement as she responded, "Oh, sweetheart, you won't believe it! Richard and I are planning a vacation together. I'm absolutely thrilled! You know I haven't had the chance to travel much in my life, and Richard is taking me to London, Paris, and Rome! I can't express how much I look forward to seeing the world and sharing this incredible experience with Richard."

Olivia's heart swelled with happiness for her mother. She was overjoyed that Mary had the opportunity to embrace such once-in-a-lifetime adventures. "That's amazing, Mom! When do you leave?"

Mary beamed, her enthusiasm contagious. "We're departing next week! I know it's rather soon, but the Christmas gift from the boys covers everything so well that we couldn't resist. I've waited long enough for this."

"Mom, make sure to bring back some souvenirs and take lots of pictures," Olivia advised, her face filled with anticipation.

Mary chuckled. "Of course, dear. I promise I'll bring back some special items and document every moment for you. Now, tell me, what's going on with you? How have you been?"

Olivia's smile waned slightly as she considered her own situation. "Well, Mom, you know I've been working for Ethan, and he's away on a business trip right now. I miss him, but it's also given me some time to reflect and think about my future."

Mary nodded, concern in her eyes. "What's been on your mind, sweetheart?"

Olivia sighed. "I've had a lot to think about. My past with Daniel, my growing feelings for Ethan, and how my life has changed so quickly. Sometimes I wonder if I'm making the right decisions."

Mary listened intently, her comforting presence putting Olivia at ease.

Taking a deep breath, Olivia continued, "Things with Ethan feel intense, like a whirlwind of emotions I've never experienced before. But at the same time, Daniel reentered my life, and it feels so familiar, like slipping into an old, comfortable pair of shoes."

"What does your heart tell you?" Mary asked, her voice gentle and reassuring.

Olivia leaned back in her chair, her fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup. "I'm not sure if I can trust it just yet," she confessed.

Mary reached across the table and squeezed her daughter's hand. "Honey, just give things time. I don't think Ethan is going anywhere, and things with Daniel will reveal themselves. Give yourself some grace and take a few deep breaths. It will all work out in the end," Mary said with unwavering confidence.

Olivia leaned back into the cozy armchair, taking comfort in her mother's wisdom. "You're right, Mom," she admitted. "I probably need to be more patient with myself and let things unfold naturally. I tend to overthink everything."

Mary offered a reassuring smile. "We all do, dear. Sometimes, the heart knows what's best, even when the mind is clouded with doubt. Take your time, and you'll find the clarity you are looking for."

Olivia nodded, grateful for her mother's advice. "Thanks, Mom. Your support means the world to me."

Mary gave her daughter a warm embrace. "I'm always here for you, Liv. And remember, no matter what, you deserve happiness and love."

As they continued to chat, Olivia felt a renewed sense of hope, knowing that she could navigate the complexities of her evolving relationships and find her own path to happiness with her mother's guidance and support.