Night Out with Jenna

DAY THREE. Olivia felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness as the workday came to an end. She missed Ethan more than she had anticipated. She longed for the scent of his cologne, the piercing intensity of his gaze, the tenderness of his embrace. She couldn't help but wonder when he would return, and each passing moment without him felt like an eternity.

Lost in her thoughts, Olivia was abruptly pulled from her reverie when her phone chimed with a notification. Her heart raced, and she anxiously fumbled through her phone, hoping against hope that it was a message from Ethan. Disappointment washed over her as she saw Jenna's name on the screen. It was Friday night, and Jenna wanted to make plans to meet up. Some time away with a friend was exactly what she needed to fill her evening and take her mind off both Ethan and Daniel.

Olivia responded quickly, her heart a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. "Yes, let's meet at Charlie's at 8," she typed.

Jenna's response came swiftly. "Sounds like a plan," she replied, and for the first time in days, Olivia had something to look forward to.

The atmosphere at Charlie's was a familiar and comforting one. It was a classic neighborhood pub with a warm and inviting ambiance. The wooden interior exuded a rustic charm, with dimly lit fixtures casting a cozy glow. The bar was adorned with vintage memorabilia, and the chatter of patrons mixed with the soft tunes of a live acoustic guitarist in the corner, creating the perfect backdrop for a night out.

As Olivia entered, she spotted Jenna sitting at the back booth, a well-loved and slightly worn leather seat with a few tears, a testament to the countless stories it had witnessed. Jenna's red hair was neatly pulled back into a tight bun, and she sported an oversized pair of fashionable glasses, adding an air of sophistication to her already put-together appearance.

Olivia couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she approached the table. Jenna was a striking woman in her own right, though she rarely let her hair down figuratively and literally. She was known for her seriousness and dedication to life's pursuits. "Hey, Jenna," Olivia greeted her warmly as she reached the table.

Jenna responded with an enthusiastic embrace and a radiant smile. "Olivia!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement. "You have no idea how much I needed this night."

"Me too," Olivia admitted, grateful for the opportunity to unwind and share this much-needed time with a dear friend.

Well, we have so much to talk about," Jenna said, taking a sip of her drink. "Where should we start? I will need a few rounds to tell my story," Olivia laughed. "How about we start with you?"

Jenna ordered a couple more drinks, then turned her full attention to Olivia. "So, what's going on with you?" Olivia inquired.

"Well, as I mentioned to you the other day, I'm working my ass off to become a Junior Partner at my law firm," Jenna began, her voice tinged with determination. "I'll be turning 30 this month, and achieving that milestone would be a massive accomplishment."

Olivia nodded in understanding. "It sounds like things are going great," she commented. "You've got a plan, and you're going for it."

Jenna leaned in, her eyes sparkling with excitement and exasperation. "Well," she confessed as she threw back a shot, "not exactly. You see, my main competition for the position is also my ex."

Olivia's eyes widened with intrigue. "Do tell!" she exclaimed. "I've always known you as a dedicated professional. But tell me, how did you end up competing with your ex for this role?"

Jenna chuckled and leaned back in her seat, recalling her recent romantic history. "You know, I've always been focused on my career, and my schedule didn't leave much time for dating. But John was different. We were both burning the midnight oil together, sharing meals, and things just happened naturally," she explained. "It wasn't until I walked in on him a month ago banging the secretary that things unraveled."

Olivia's eyes widened in shock. "Oh my God," she gasped. "Who does that?"

Jenna shook her head with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "Well, apparently John does," she replied with a hint of cynicism. "In the supply closet. With tape and rope. He wanted to keep things interesting, spice it up." Olivia gasped. "No!" she said. "Yep," Jenna replied.

"In reality, Liv, he just wanted to get close to me so he could keep an eye on what I was doing for the partnership—watching my cases, always being in the know about everything in the office."

Jenna sighed, swirling the remains of her drink in her glass. "I'm going to completely crush him and watch him cry like a baby," she declared, her determination shining through. "The sad thing is, I liked the idea of dating. Maybe I didn't really like him that much, but I enjoyed having someone to look forward to spending time with, someone to share my thoughts and dreams with. Then he crushed all of that."

Olivia's gaze softened as she heard her friend's words. "Where are all the good men, Liv?" Jenna pondered aloud, her voice filled with a touch of despair. "Do they even exist anymore?"

Olivia smiled at Jenna's reaction. "I know there are some good men out there, Jenna. We've just got to be patient."

Jenna raised her glass in agreement. "Amen to that."

After downing another drink, Olivia leaned in, her voice hushed. "Well, I think I can one-up you," she said with a sly grin. "I think I'm falling for my stepbrother, Ethan."

Jenna nearly choked on her drink, her eyes wide with surprise. "What in the hell?" she exclaimed. "Are you serious?"

Olivia nodded. "Yes, I am," she confessed and then explained the intense connection she shared with Ethan, the magnetic chemistry that had drawn them closer.

Jenna leaned in, her eyes dancing with excitement. "I'm getting hot just thinking about it," she quipped.

Olivia continued, her expression serious. "The problem is, Daniel has been coming around lately, and we keep running into each other. It's comfortable with him, you know?"

Jenna leaned back, studying her friend intently. "Olivia," she said, her voice unwavering, "your feelings for Ethan sound like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. Don't throw that away for something merely comfortable. You've already tried that, and it didn't make you happy. I'm telling you to dive in with both feet and move forward."

Olivia listened to Jenna's words, contemplating them carefully.

"Maybe you're right," Olivia replied, nodding. "Here's to new adventures." She raised her glass, and they toasted.

As the night continued, both women enjoyed a few too many drinks. It had been a while since they'd let loose like this, and they found themselves laughing and having a great time. Olivia tried to focus as she heard her phone ringing. In a slightly slurred voice, she answered, "Hello."

"Oh, hi, Logan," she said, her voice brighter.

"Olivia," Logan's concerned voice came through on the other end, "are you drunk?"

Olivia giggled. "I may have had one too many," she admitted.

Logan was firm. "Tell me where you are, Olivia, and I'll pick you up. Do not leave, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir, little brother," Olivia responded playfully, laughing loudly as if she had cracked the funniest joke.

Curious about the conversation, Jenna asked, "Who was that?"

Olivia smiled, "That was my stepbrother, Logan."

"Logan?" Jenna raised an eyebrow. "Not Ethan?"

"No," Olivia clarified. "My other stepbrother, Logan. Logan treats me like an actual sister, so it's different. But yeah, it's a bit complicated. He told me to stay put; he's coming to pick me up."