Logan Meets Jenna


As Logan arrived at Charlie's, he immediately spotted Olivia, and it was clear she was more than just a little tipsy. Panic welled up within him. "Ethan is going to kill me," he thought. "I was supposed to keep an eye on her, but I had no idea she would do this."

Making his way over to their table, he noticed a striking woman sitting across from Olivia. "Well, hello," he couldn't help but think. She wasn't what one might consider a classic beauty, but she had an ethereal quality about her. Red hair cascaded from a tight bun to frame her face, and her features gave off an air of sophistication. However, the real kicker was the sound of her laughter. It sent butterflies fluttering in Logan's stomach.

Approaching the table, Olivia spotted Logan and greeted him with a tipsy smile. "Hey, you," she started.

Logan rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, brother. I better get you home."

Olivia then introduced her friend Jenna to Logan and asked if he could give her a ride home. Jenna extended her hand, and as they touched, Logan felt a strange sensation, like sparks rising up his arm. "I'll gladly give her a ride," he thought, his voice sounding much more composed. "Of course, Olivia. Logan's driving company here at your service."

"Thanks, Logan," Olivia said, her words slightly slurred. "I knew I could count on you."

When they arrived at the car, Olivia immediately passed out in the back seat, her soft snores a testament to her inebriated state. On the other hand, Jenna seemed more composed as Logan drove to her apartment.

"Thank you, Logan," she said with a grateful smile. "We haven't caught up in a while, and I guess we got carried away."

Jenna's heart skipped a beat when Logan flashed her an enigmatic smile. "It's okay," he chuckled. "I'm here to serve." He winked at her, and Jenna felt a flutter in her stomach. Why hadn't Olivia mentioned that Logan was so attractive? She definitely regretted meeting him for the first time in this situation.

As they continued chatting during the drive, Logan's easygoing charm made an impression on Jenna. She felt like she'd known him forever despite the peculiar circumstances.

"It was nice to meet you, Jenna," Logan said as he approached her apartment building. "Maybe we can get together again soon."

Jenna smiled, her heart racing a little. "I'd like that."

Exiting the car, she realized she didn't even get his number. "He probably thinks I'm such an idiot," she thought as she walked toward her apartment. "I'd like that," she repeated in her head. Jenna didn't expect to hear from Logan anytime soon, but she hoped that fate might have other plans.


Olivia woke up with a splitting headache, a cruel reminder of the previous night's indulgence. Her mouth felt parched, and her body ached. She slowly sat up and discovered a glass of water and two aspirins thoughtfully placed on her bedside table, accompanied by a note from Logan. It simply read, "Better wake up, buttercup, Ethan is coming home today."

Groaning softly, she took the aspirins and gulped down the water. The soothing coolness provided her some relief, but she still felt the lingering effects of her hangover. She was trapped in that hazy realm between consciousness and a throbbing headache.

Despite her misery, a burst of excitement raced through her. Ethan was coming home today! She needed to shake off this hangover as quickly as possible to be fully ready and refreshed to welcome him back.

As Olivia stood under the hot shower, the warm water provided a sense of comfort, washing away the remnants of her hangover and the embarrassment of her drunken night out. She couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Logan, who had been there to take care of her in her less-than-stellar state. It was a reminder of how good it felt to have someone outside her usual circle, someone like Jenna, who was attentive and genuinely caring. Olivia felt fortunate to be able to call Jenna a friend. She couldn't remember everything from last night, but she thought there might be a budding connection between Jenna and Logan, and she was definitely going to check that out!

Halfway through her soothing shower, she was abruptly greeted with an unwelcome blast of icy water. It was winter, and the frigid surprise was enough to jolt her awake and make her quickly retreat from the freezing stream. She hurriedly dried herself off, all the while shivering from the cold.

Olivia sighed, knowing she couldn't go on without hot water, so she called the building superintendent. He explained that something might be wrong with her water heater and assured her that someone would be sent to fix it in the afternoon. "Great," she thought, "just another issue to deal with."

However, the day took a turn for the better when her phone chimed, and she saw a message from Ethan that read, "I can't wait to see you, beautiful."

Her heart swelled with happiness, and she was taken aback by just how much she had missed him. Olivia hadn't realized the depths of her longing and the joy she felt knowing he was returning to her.

As Olivia went about her morning, her anticipation and uncertainty over how to greet Ethan upon his return kept her mind occupied. She knew exactly what she wanted to do when she saw him — to throw her arms around him and shower him with kisses, expressing the depth of her feelings. However, she was aware that such an unrestrained greeting might not be the most appropriate first impression. Her thoughts swirled back and forth as she contemplated the ideal way to welcome him. After much internal wrestling, she gave up, deciding that the most genuine reaction would emerge in the moment.

In an attempt to pass the time and manage her anticipation, Olivia busied herself with cleaning, determined to make the most of her day while Ethan was still away. Just as she finished scrubbing her bathroom and was left with nothing else to distract her, the doorbell rang. Her heart leaped excitedly as she hurried to the front door, eagerly anticipating Ethan's arrival.

However, to her surprise, the face she encountered on the other side of the door didn't belong to Ethan. Instead, a tall and handsome man greeted her.

"Hello, ma'am," he said politely. "My name is Drew, and the superintendent sent me to check out the water heater." Slightly disappointed but understanding the need for hot water, Olivia replied, "Come in," and ushered him into the apartment.