Broken Pieces

Today had felt like a particularly long one for Olivia. She had been busy planning her upcoming trip to Colorado and had met Jenna for lunch. She was happy that Jenna decided to join her on the trip and was also excited to have a friend along for the adventure. Ethan had been supportive of the idea, believing that it would be great for Olivia to have some company while he attended the convention during the day.

As she started to shut down her computer and prepare to head home, an unexpected delivery arrived – a beautiful bouquet of peonies, her favorite flowers. Olivia couldn't help but wonder how the sender had known her preference. She opened the attached card, which simply read, "Thinking of you, love Daniel."

The flowers from Daniel left her in a state of confusion. He had rarely, if ever, bought her flowers when they were married. Olivia didn't know what to make of this gesture. Her mind was racing with questions.

From his vantage point in his office, Ethan saw the delivery and had to take a few deep breaths to keep his emotions in check. He played it aloof as he came out of his office. "So," he casually asked, "who is your secret admirer?"

Olivia felt a twinge of awkwardness but decided to be honest with Ethan. "Um, they are from Daniel," she replied.

Ethan's reaction was somewhat restrained. "I see," he said before walking past her and heading for the elevator. Olivia called out to him, but he pushed the button and left her behind, making her feel even more uneasy about the situation.

The unexpected flowers had turned her world upside down, and Olivia couldn't help but wonder what Daniel was thinking, sending her such a gift at her workplace, knowing she worked with Ethan. It was becoming increasingly clear that things had just gotten much more complicated.


Arriving at his home, Ethan slammed the door in frustration. He couldn't understand why Daniel couldn't just stay out of the picture. He headed straight to the bar, pouring himself a drink while he tried to regain his composure. He needed to approach the situation logically and keep his emotions in check.

As he sipped his drink, Ethan's thoughts drifted to Lauren Kriss. The mere memory of her name sent a shiver down his spine. Lauren had been the love of his life, and he had given her his heart without any reservations. But in the end, she had chosen someone else over him, leaving his heart shattered and bleeding. He had held onto the hope that they would somehow find their way back to each other until she walked into his office six months later, bearing a wedding invitation. The pain of losing her all over again had been unbearable.

That experience had been the turning point for Ethan. He decided never to open his heart again, to lock away his feelings and protect himself from the possibility of being hurt like that again. But Olivia had come into his life, and it was as if she hadn't just opened the door to his heart – she had kicked it down. He couldn't help but love everything about her, from her pure heart to her kindness and radiant goodness. He didn't want to taint her with the dark remnants of his past heartbreaks. Hell! What was he going to do?

Ethan stood by the window, gazing out into the dark night, lost in his thoughts and wrestling with his emotions. Daniel had sent her flowers, which stirred up a maelstrom of jealousy and possessiveness within him. Daniel was sending him a clear message. He was going after Olivia, and by hell, Ethan was not going down without a fight. He struggled to contain these feelings, unsure how to react when he heard a gentle knock at the door. 

"Ethan?" Olivia called softly, concern lacing her voice as she opened the door. "I brought a few of my favorite things to share," she said as she approached him, her steps slow and deliberate. She gently placed her bag on the counter.

She stood beside him, the two of them looking out into the night. Olivia knew she couldn't rush him or force him to talk, but she wanted to be there for him. After all, she knew he had seen the flowers from Daniel and sensed that they had stirred up emotions within him. She hoped that her presence and favorite things could provide some comfort during this time of uncertainty.

Ethan continued staring out the window as Olivia moved closer, her footsteps quiet in the dimly lit room. The tension in the air was palpable. 

"Are you okay, Ethan?" Olivia asked softly, her hand gently reaching out to touch his arm.

Ethan turned to look at her, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions – jealousy, insecurity, and an overwhelming desire to protect what he'd found in Olivia. He met her gaze and took a deep breath, struggling to express his feelings.

"I just..." he began, then hesitated, trying to find the right way to express himself. "I know I'm being irrational, but seeing those flowers from your ex... it got to me."

Olivia moved closer, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace. "Ethan, you have nothing to worry about," she reassured him. "You're the one I'm with, the one who makes me happy. Daniel is in the past."

Ethan sighed, holding her close. "I know, Olivia, and I trust you. It's just hard for me to deal with the thought of someone from your past trying to be a part of your present."

She looked into his eyes with sincerity. "I understand, Ethan. But you need to trust that I choose to be with you." 

Ethan led her to the couch, his touch gentle and reassuring as he spoke from the depth of his vulnerability. "Olivia," he began, his voice laced with sincerity, "I need to be completely honest with you. I put my heart on the line in the past, and it was shattered by betrayal. That's why I find it difficult to witness you getting entangled with someone else. She broke me, Olivia, and I'm terrified of going through that pain once more."

Olivia nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding and compassion. "Ethan," she replied softly, "I understand more than you know. When Daniel left me, I lost every part of myself. My identity crumbled, and it's taken me a long time to define myself again. To figure out what I like and what I don't. That's why I don't want to rush things with you."

He gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead tenderly. "I know, sweetheart," he said, "we're both broken people. But together, we can heal and become whole. Please, be patient with me."

Olivia listened to Ethan's heartfelt words, and her eyes welled up with understanding and compassion. She gently touched his cheek and said, "Ethan, we'll be patient with each other. We can heal together. I know it's not easy, but we've found something special, and I'm willing to take it one step at a time with you."

Ethan gave her a warm smile, and they sat there for a moment, feeling the weight of their shared vulnerabilities and the strength of their connection. Daniel's flowers triggered insecurity, but they also served as a catalyst for a deeper conversation between them. Olivia knew they could work through their past traumas together, mending their broken pieces and building something beautiful.