Sweet Spot

(This chapter contains mature content.)

Ethan's curiosity piqued as he inquired, "What's in the bag?"

Olivia's lips curled into a sly smile as she replied, "Oh, just a couple of my favorite things." Her voice held an air of playful mystery. "And the third one should be arriving..." Just as she spoke, a knock on the door interrupted her sentence. Olivia eagerly answered it and returned with a piping-hot box of pizza.

"First," she began with enthusiasm, "we're going to devour this amazing cheeseburger pizza from Tony's. Then, I'm going to whip your ass with these!" She dramatically revealed a deck of cards, grinning mischievously. "And, last but certainly not least, we're going to indulge in this chocolate chip ice cream like nobody's business!"

Ethan couldn't help but chuckle, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes as he declared, "You're on, little lady. But we will see who is whipping who by the end of the night."

Olivia turned away so that Ethan wouldn't see her blush. She somehow felt that his comment held a double meaning.

After dinner, they settled into the living room with a deck of cards and ice cream. They spent hours talking and laughing until late into the night. As the clock approached midnight, Olivia finally began yawning, and Ethan suggested they call it a night. 

Olivia was reluctant to leave as she had such a great night with Ethan. They really needed to do fun things together more often. 

He whispered in her ear, "I'm really sorry that I lost the game, as I was looking forward to giving you that spanking." 

Olivia grinned as she had naughty thoughts about just how much she would enjoy all the things Ethan could do to her. " I wonder what sort of trouble I can get into to earn that?" she thought. 

"Have sweet dreams, my love," Ethan whispered as he embraced her and gently kissed each temple. Olivia left feeling more turned on than ever. 

Olivia had a hard time falling asleep as thoughts of Ethan filled her mind. She decided that she was not going to be able to fall asleep unless she relaxed her body first. She removed her pajamas and lay naked on the couch, soaking in the soft warmth of the cushions. She reflected on the dessert session with Ethan the other night, which had been so amazing, and allowed her mind to wander. 

Her fantasy began as she imagined herself in Ethan's large luxury shower, with cascading hot water gently pouring down her naked body. She could almost feel the steam swirling around her and the soft mist tickling her skin. Her nipples began to harden as she pictured Ethan joining her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and placing his lips upon her neck. Her breathing grew faster as she imagined his strong hands gently teasing her nipples, which were now fully erect and protruding through her skin. 

Olivia's hand instinctively glided down between her legs, gently caressing her sweet spot, and her breathing became even faster. She tried to imagine what Ethan would do to her if he were in the shower with her. Would he ask her to turn around so he could take her from behind, or would he want her to look into his eyes as they made love to one another? Olivia's fantasy continued as Ethan glided his cock inside of her, thrusting in perfect rhythm with each movement of her hand.

Olivia felt her orgasm building as she continued to imagine herself in Ethan's shower. Her breathing became heavy as she panted, her breathing becoming heavier and more ragged. Her hard nipples brushed against the soft cushions of the couch, and she felt a wave of pleasure surge through her body. She was writhing on the sofa, gently stroking herself as she imagined Ethan's warm mouth on her. 

Her breathing was heavy as she continued to move her hand slowly against her exhausted clit. She could feel her orgasm just around the corner. She wanted him inside of her so badly and wanted to touch him. She couldn't wait for him to be inside of her. At that thought, she exploded. Olivia shifted her weight onto the couch and curled her body into a ball, an afterglow of gratitude spreading from her toes to her fingertips. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Olivia's day started with the promise of warmth and comfort as she awoke feeling like a million dollars. Her massive orgasm the night before was already beginning to fade, but she was still feeling slightly flushed. The allure of a hot shower was just what she needed to set the right tone for the morning. However, the blissful anticipation evaporated as she remembered her recent lack of hot water. Frustration gnawed at her; she couldn't possibly face a cold shower.

Reluctantly, she reached for her phone and composed a message to Ethan: "I'm sorry to bother you so early, but can I borrow your shower? I really can't face a cold shower this morning." 

Her phone buzzed almost immediately with a reply from Ethan: "It's all yours, love. Come on up."

Relieved and grateful, Olivia gathered her work clothes, feeling a sense of gratitude for Ethan's thoughtful gesture, and made her way upstairs to his place.

Ethan answered the door wrapped in a towel. His wet, tousled hair had a messy and enticing look. Olivia couldn't help but be captivated by the sight. She was momentarily lost in her fantasies, but Ethan's voice brought her back to reality.

"Are you going to come in, or are you going to stare at me all morning?" he playfully teased.

Olivia's response came with a hint of seduction, "I'm living so many of my fantasies right now," she quipped, her voice soft.

Ethan grinned and retorted, "Oh really, and how can I help those fantasies become a reality?"

Olivia smirked at him and said, "That depends. Do you trust me?"