The Bull is Loose

Ethan arrived at the office early, his mind still dwelling on the playful encounter between him and Olivia. It amused him how she wanted to be in control but then playfully ran away. The thought brought a smile to his face. He couldn't wait to teach her the art of balance and control in the bedroom. There was a certain thrill in the challenge of unraveling her layers. Her lips lingered in his thoughts, and he couldn't help but replay the look of allure on her face as she tasted him. The subtle dance between them had left an indelible mark on his mind, and he found himself distracted, his focus divided between projects at work and the allure of Olivia.

Ethan's thoughts were interrupted when he spotted Daniel at the reception area. "Great, what the hell is he doing here," Ethan begrudged. 

Daniel had brought breakfast to surprise Olivia, just as he used to do during their marriage. He carefully selected items that held sentimental value, a deliberate attempt to stir memories of their shared past. He was convinced their history was a powerful connection between them, a force that time couldn't erase.

In his mind, reminding Olivia of those intimate moments they once shared might sway her heart. The aroma of familiar breakfast dishes, the reminiscent taste of shared meals – all of it was a strategic move to evoke emotions and bring her back to a time when they were the center of each other's worlds. Daniel, determined to get close to Olivia once more, believed that revisiting the past could reignite the flame they once had.

Seeing Daniel, Ethan felt a surge of jealousy and possessiveness. He could see the unresolved tension in Daniel's eyes as he regarded him. 

"Ethan," Daniel greeted him, keeping his tone polite but not particularly friendly. "Fancy meeting you here," he laughed. "I brought breakfast for Olivia. She used to love this place."

Ethan replied, "Thanks for the effort, but Olivia has already had breakfast, and she ate her fill."

Daniel's jaw clenched as he perceived a double meaning in Ethan's words. "I see," he said, his voice tight. There's only one way Ethan would know that, and Daniel knew that he wanted him to know it. 

Ethan stepped closer to Daniel, looking him squarely in the eyes. "Listen, Daniel," he began, "I know you and Olivia have a history, but things are different now. She's moved on."

Daniel's expression turned defiant. "We made plans and dreams together, Ethan. You don't know what we had."

Ethan didn't back down. "You had your chance, and you blew it," he said, his voice firm. "Olivia is with me now, and I won't let you disrupt that. She needs her space, and you should respect that."

Daniel leaned in, his gaze unwavering. "It's not over, Ethan," he said with determination. "May the best man win."

Ethan watched as Daniel walked away, the challenge echoing in his ears. He knew he had to be ready to protect his relationship with Olivia from any outside forces that might try to threaten it.


As Olivia tried to focus on her work, she felt puzzled by Ethan's behavior. The morning had started off well, and she had enjoyed her bold moment of affection and intimacy with him. However, the atmosphere at the office was drastically different.

Ethan appeared in a foul mood, huffing around the office like a restless dragon. His actions were perplexing, and Olivia couldn't pinpoint what had transpired between their joyful morning and his current demeanor. She had known that Ethan was a complex man, but moments like these left her wondering about the intricate layers that made up his personality.

It was clear that something was bothering him, but he hadn't shared it with her. Olivia contemplated whether she should confront him and try to understand the source of his frustration or give him some space to process his emotions. Either way, she was determined to support him through whatever challenges they might face, just as he had done for her.

Olivia appreciated the timely arrival of Logan, who provided some much-needed relief from the tense atmosphere created by Ethan's unpredictable mood. "Definitely the bull," she said, "and he seems to be in a destructive mode. I have no idea what happened."

Logan, who seemed to have some insight into the situation, shared a possible explanation. "I may have an idea," he said, "the receptionist likes to gossip, and apparently, Daniel came by with breakfast for you this morning and just so happened to run into Ethan."

Olivia sighed, realizing the source of the problem. "Oh boy," she muttered, knowing that the encounter with Daniel must have stirred things up. Logan seemed to empathize with her situation, suggesting that he had no intention of getting involved. "I'm not going in there," he said, "you are going to have to tame the bull. Good luck with that."

Olivia couldn't help but smile at Logan's choice of words. "Thanks, Logan," she said, appreciating his support. With a deep breath, she ventured into Ethan's office, hoping to understand and resolve the issue that had caused this sudden change in his mood.

Olivia gathered her courage and headed towards Ethan's office. She could feel the tension in the air as she approached. Knocking gently on the open door, she called out, "Ethan, can we talk?"

Ethan, deep in thought, looked up as Olivia entered. His expression softened slightly when he saw her, but the tension in the room remained palpable.

"Olivia," he said, his voice a bit strained. "What is it?"

"I know you're upset about what happened with Daniel this morning," Olivia began. "But it's important that you understand that I have no control over his actions."

Ethan sighed and rubbed his temples. "I know, Olivia, it's not about you. It's just..."

Olivia interrupted gently, "I know. It's about your feelings, your past. But you need to trust me. I've moved on from that time in my life. I'm with you now, and that's where I want to be."

Ethan nodded, but there was still a hint of concern in his eyes. "I just... I don't want to lose you, Olivia. I've never felt this way about anyone before." 

Olivia approached him and took his hands. "You won't lose me, Ethan. I'm here because I want to be with you. I'm not going anywhere."

Ethan looked into her eyes, searching for reassurance. After a moment, he gave a small smile. "You're right," he said. "I can't let my past control my present. I'll work on it."

Olivia leaned in and kissed him gently. "I'm glad to hear that," she said. "Let's not let anything come between us."

Ethan nodded, his mood lifting as they shared a moment of understanding and connection.