Bonding Time

 In the comfort of Ethan's office, Olivia leaned against his desk, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. 

"Ethan," she began, "there's something I've been thinking about. With our trip to Colorado just around the corner, I need some proper winter gear."

Ethan looked up from his work, intrigued by her proposal. "Winter gear? You don't have any?"

Olivia shook her head, a playful pout on her lips. "I'm a Southern girl, remember? I've never really needed it. But now, with you and this upcoming adventure, I want to be fully prepared for the snow and the ice."

Ethan couldn't resist her puppy-dog eyes. "Alright," he said with a chuckle. "You've convinced me. We can go shopping. I'll make sure you're well-equipped for the winter wonderland." His mind automatically went to all the ways he planned on keeping her warm during the trip.

Olivia was excited. "Well, I was thinking," she said, "that we could invite my friend Jenna too. It was kind of you to let her come with me, and since she's going to be spending time there, I thought it would be good if we all got to know each other before the trip."

Ethan considered it for a moment. "Sure, why not? It could be a good way for everyone to bond before we're stuck in the mountains together. Let's make it a group outing. I'm sure Jenna would appreciate the invitation." 

Olivia's face lit up with joy, and she couldn't resist giving him a quick kiss. "Thank you, Ethan. You're the best. I'm so excited to see the snow, and I can't wait to sit in the lodge and sip hot chocolate by the fireplace. I've always dreamed of doing something like this. And I also suspect some connection between Jenna and Logan, so who knows where this might lead?" 

"Oh really?" Ethan said. "Tell me more about how they met?"

When Ethan asked Olivia how Jenna and Logan met, she began to stutter. "Well, when you were out of town, Jenna and I went for drinks. I might have had a bit too much and called Logan by mistake. Being the true gentleman, he came over and picked us up. He dropped me home safely and gave Jenna a ride home. I think they had a good conversation. He has asked me about her a couple of times." Olivia hesitated, her words stumbling over each other.

"You got drunk in public?" Ethan asked, a furrow forming on his brow. "Do you know how many men would love to take advantage of a beautiful woman in that situation?" He clenched his fist tightly, trying to fight off the invading thoughts of anyone trying to harm Olivia. He knew Logan would definitely have to bail him out if anything like that ever happened. He protects what is his. 

Of course, that would be the part he focused on. Olivia sighed inwardly. Ethan pushed a button on his speakerphone. Logan answered, and Ethan said, "My office, now."

Olivia glanced nervously at Ethan. She hadn't anticipated him reacting this way, and now she wondered what kind of storm awaited Logan in Ethan's office.

Logan sauntered into Ethan's office and cast a side glance at Olivia. "What's up, big brother?" he asked with a carefree grin.

"You let Olivia get drunk in public? I asked you to keep an eye on her when I was gone, and this is what happens?"

"Oh boy," Logan thought, realizing the source of Ethan's frustration.

"Hold on," Olivia interjected, her eyes narrowing. "I'm a grown-ass woman, and Logan has no fault in this. You're the one who left me without even a call. I felt neglected, so yes, I went out for drinks. You could say you're at fault, too." 

Ethan didn't know what to say. He should have contacted her, but he had been busy and thought the absence would cause them to draw closer when he returned.

He tried to reach for Olivia, a mix of regret and concern in his eyes, but she pushed him away.

"You're right, baby," Ethan admitted. "I should have called." Olivia feigned hurt, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead, a silent apology. 

Logan sat back, observing the drama unfold with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Wow," he remarked, "you tamed him in less than two minutes. I believe that's a new record." 

Olivia chuckled, and even Ethan couldn't help but crack a smile. 

 "We're all going shopping for ski clothes," she announced. "And I'm inviting Jenna to come along with us."

Logan's interest was piqued. "Jenna? The red-haired beauty from the bar?" Logan asked, his curiosity evident.

Olivia grinned, confirming, "Yes, that's her. She's coming along with us on the Colorado trip."

"Well," Logan said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "I believe this trip just got much more interesting. 

"Okay, guys," Olivia remarked, " y'all head out, and I'll swing by to pick Jenna up and meet you there."

"Yes, ma'am," Ethan said, grabbing his keys as they headed out.