Shopping and Dinner

Olivia picked up Jenna, and they chatted while driving to the store. 

"I feel nervous," Jenna admitted. "Like I'm barging in on your trip."

Olivia laughed, dismissing the concern. "Please don't feel that way. I'm really excited for you to meet Logan and Ethan. Ethan, he's really important to me, and I hope you two can be good friends."

"So, spill," Jenna urged, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "What's Logan's story?"

"I knew it!" Olivia exclaimed with a laugh. "Well," she continued, "he's currently single and one of the best guys I know."

 "You know I'm not in a rush," Jenna said, "but I'm not closing the door either." Olivia smiled, glad to see the excitement of her friends potentially hitting it off.

When they arrived at the store, Ethan and Logan were already immersed in a sea of winter gear, examining various items. As Jenna entered, Logan's eyes were immediately drawn to her. She looked out of this world, with her red hair tied back into her signature bun and a light dusting of freckles on her face. Jenna's choice of outfit—black heeled boots, jeans, and a cozy sweater—added to the mix of beauty and allure that captivated Logan.

He couldn't help but flash one of his charming smiles as he approached her. "Hey, Jenna, it's nice to see you again. I heard you're crashing our trip?"

Feeling a bit out of place, Jenna started to stutter, "I'm sorry... I don't want to be an imposition."

Olivia playfully hit Logan, and he chuckled. "Relax, sunshine. I was teasing you."

Jenna, relieved, smiled and said, "Oh, okay."

Logan continued, "I'm glad to have you along. I think it will be a great time!"

Olivia turned to Ethan and introduced him to Jenna. "I'm so happy we're all together," she beamed. "I don't even know where to start!" Olivia exclaimed.

"That's why you have me," Jenna said with a grin. "My family went on a ski trip every year growing up, so I can hook you up with all the basics." The group shared a collective laugh as they delved into the exciting task of shopping for winter gear.

"I'm starving," Olivia exclaimed. "Who knew shopping could take so much out of you." They decided to grab a bite at the Burger Shack across the street, making small talk until their food arrived. Logan, now focused on Jenna, asked her about her profession.

"So, Jenna, what is it that you do?"

Jenna sipped her drink before responding, "Well, I'm a criminal defense attorney. It involves representing individuals or organizations charged with criminal activities. I handle various tasks, from conducting legal research and preparing defenses to negotiating plea deals and representing clients in court. It's challenging, but I find it incredibly rewarding."

Logan nodded in approval. "Impressive."

Jenna continued, "Unfortunately, I'm currently out of work. My ex was causing a lot of trouble at my old job, and I decided it was time to move on. I have some free time for now, so I'm coming along on the trip with you guys. Olivia thought it would do me some good, you know?"

Ethan chimed in, "Well, I have a good friend, Charles Swartz, who owns a law firm downtown. If you'd like to put your resume together, I'd be happy to send it to him."

Jenna's eyes widened in disbelief. "Charles Swartz? As in THE Charles Swartz of Swartz and Miller?"

Ethan nodded, "Yes, that's the one."

Jenna couldn't contain her excitement. "Ethan, that would be an absolute dream. I'm not expecting anything, but a chance to submit a resume would be great. That company is known for their hard work and above-level moral standards. Thank you!" 

At that moment, the food arrived, and Logan's drink stole the show with its vibrant, rainbow-like colors. Ethan couldn't help but express his surprise. "What in the hell is that?"

Logan chuckled, "Well, I just asked them to mix all the flavors. That way, you get a unique drink you've never experienced." 

Olivia's attention shifted to Logan's plate. "And what did you order?" she asked, staring at the mountain of ingredients piled onto his burger.

"I don't really know," Logan shrugged. "I just asked them to surprise me." 

Jenna observed how adventurous Logan was with his choices. In contrast, she stuck to her routine, ordering the same thing every time and ensuring her food stayed separated on the plate.

As the meal progressed, Logan noticed Jenna's rigidity. Playfully, he reached over and squirted some BBQ sauce into her ketchup for the fries. "What are you doing?" Jenna asked, surprised.

"Loosen up and try something new, sunshine," Logan joked. Jenna hesitated for a moment before giving it a try.

 "Not bad," she admitted, laughing. Logan couldn't help but think, "God, I could get addicted to that smile." 

"Stick with me, and I'll have you loosened up in no time," Logan teased. "I'm looking forward to this trip." Jenna blushed, wondering if Logan's words held a double meaning.

As they finished the meal, Logan insisted on covering the bill. "Well, how about I drop you off, Jenna? Ethan has been kicking me under the table for the last five minutes, so I'm pretty sure he would like some alone time with Olivia." 

Ethan chuckled, "Way to be subtle, little brother."

Jenna smiled and said, "If it's okay with you." With that, they all headed their separate ways, excited about the upcoming trip and the bonds forming among them.


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