Shadows of the Past

Olivia woke up with a burst of excitement as the weekend marked the countdown to their trip to Colorado on Monday. As she stretched in bed, visions of snow-covered landscapes and cozy lodge nights danced in her mind. Being from the South, experiencing winter with snow was a rare treat, and she couldn't wait to immerse herself in the snowy wonderland.

She planned to meet Jenna later in the day to review their checklist, ensuring they had everything they needed for the trip. Olivia loved the idea of being a snow bunny in the lodge, sipping hot cocoa by the fire while the guys hit the slopes. Imagining the picturesque scenes, she felt a warmth in her heart.

Ethan and Logan would undoubtedly enjoy their skiing adventures, and Olivia envisioned the evenings spent cozily together, creating memories in the snowy paradise. The anticipation of the upcoming trip filled her with joy, and she couldn't wait to start packing and preparing for the adventure that awaited them.

Olivia's heart raced as the phone rang, and she eagerly answered, not expecting the voice on the other end.

"Hello!" she exclaimed, her initial excitement fading when she heard Daniel's familiar tone. Internally, she grunted, instantly recognizing the potential complications that might follow.

"Well, hey there," Daniel greeted, seemingly oblivious to the unease in Olivia's response.

"Hello, Daniel," she replied, trying to keep her tone cordial. "I didn't expect to hear from you today. What's up?"

Daniel hesitated for a moment before getting to the point. "Well, Olivia, I hoped we could have lunch today."

Her firmness kicked in as she spoke, "Daniel, I am with Ethan now. It's really not a good idea for us to hang out anymore. I'm here for you if you need anything, but we can't hang out."

A sigh emanated from the other end of the line. "I understand, Olivia, and it's not like that. It's just that Mom has been really sick, and I need someone to talk to. I've been busy at work, and you are the only one who knows her, who would understand."

Olivia took a moment to process Daniel's words. Despite the complications of their past, a twinge of sympathy tugged at her heart. She softened her tone, recognizing the gravity of the situation.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mom, Daniel. That's tough for both of you," she expressed genuine concern. "But as I said, it's inappropriate for us to meet. If you need support, consider reaching out to friends or family. I hope your mom gets better soon."

Daniel contemplated his following words. "Olivia, I know it's complicated, but I don't have anyone else to turn to. I've been dealing with Mom's illness on my own, and it's been tough. I don't have many friends, and you're the only one who truly understands what our family is going through."

Olivia felt a mixture of sympathy and conflict. She knew the history between them, and yet, the sincerity in Daniel's voice touched a chord. "Daniel, I understand it's hard for you, but things are different now. I'm with Ethan, and I need to respect our relationship."

"I get that, Olivia, I do," Daniel continued, his voice pleading. "But I'm desperate here. I need someone to talk to, and I don't want to burden Mom with everything. Please, just one lunch. It would mean the world to me."

Olivia hesitated, torn between empathy and loyalty to Ethan. "Look, Daniel, I can't promise anything, but I'll talk to Ethan about it. If he's okay with us meeting, maybe we can have that lunch. But I can't make any guarantees."

"Thank you, Olivia," Daniel said, gratitude evident in his voice. "I appreciate it more than you know. Just let me know, and I'll be there."

As the call ended, Olivia found herself facing a difficult decision. She knew she needed to be honest with Ethan and gauge his comfort level with the situation. It was a delicate balance between past and present, and Olivia braced herself for the conversation ahead.

Olivia twisted her hands nervously as she called Ethan. His warm and familiar voice answered, "Hey love, I was just thinking about you."

A surge of joy washed over Olivia, and she replied eagerly, "You were?"

"Of course," he chuckled. "And what do I owe to the pleasure of this early morning phone call?"

"Ethan," she said, her tone serious, "I need you to be open-minded about what I'm going to ask."

Ethan sat up, a sense of anticipation tingling in the air. "Okay, Olivia, I will try. What is it?"

"So, Daniel called me this morning," Olivia explained. Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose, a sign of his internal tension, as his stomach tied into knots. "Okay," he continued, "what does he want?"

"He wants to have lunch," Olivia revealed. She paused, giving Ethan a moment to process, but there was only silence on his end. Undeterred, she continued, "I told him I was with you and would only come if you were okay with it. His mom is really sick, and he needs someone to talk to. I will keep it short, I promise. I feel like I can be a friend to him; he doesn't have anyone else."

Aware of Daniel's history and intentions, Ethan felt a mix of emotions. However, he didn't want to hurt Olivia by withholding trust. "Okay, Olivia. I understand," he said. "I completely trust you. I'm not a big fan of the idea, but I appreciate you talking to me about it."

Olivia felt a mixture of relief and gratitude at Ethan's understanding response. "Thank you, Ethan. I promise it won't affect us. I want to help him during this difficult time."I know it's a lot, and I promise I won't stay long. I'll make it clear that it's strictly platonic."

Ethan sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation. "I appreciate you telling me, Olivia. It means a lot that you value our communication. Just be careful, okay? I trust you, but I also know Daniel's history."

"I will, Ethan, I promise," Olivia assured him. "You mean everything to me, and I don't want anything to jeopardize what we have."

After ending the call, Olivia took a deep breath, grateful for Ethan's understanding. She then sent Daniel a message to let him know she would meet him for lunch after she stopped by her mom's house to check on things. 

On the other side, Ethan held onto believing he was making the right decision. The specter of past insecurities and fears tried to creep into his mind, threatening the serenity of his relationship with Olivia. However, he was determined not to let the shadows of the past dictate the present. If Daniel used his mom's illness to get closer to Olivia, he was sure she would see through his plans. She wouldn't appreciate being used like that. Ethan reminded himself that trust was the foundation of their connection. However, he now felt like he needed a drink, so he decided to give Logan a call.