Killing Me Softly

Entering the bar, Olivia felt a sinking sensation in her chest. Seeing Ethan and Lauren together stirred a cocktail of emotions within her—jealousy, insecurity, and a tinge of sadness. The image of them seemed so perfect, and Olivia couldn't help but compare herself to the seemingly flawless Lauren. Doubts about her compatibility with Ethan crept into her mind, casting shadows on their shared happiness.

Jenna, perceptive as always, noticed Olivia's distress and offered encouragement. "Hey, don't read too much into this. It was just a brief encounter. It's obvious how much Ethan is crazy about you."

"I'm not from his world," Olivia sighed, feeling like an outsider in the polished and affluent setting that seemed to suit Lauren.

"Maybe that's what he likes about you," Jenna said reassuringly. "You are authentically you, and I think you are wonderful."

"Thank you," Olivia responded, appreciating Jenna's support. They headed to the bar, and Olivia decided to let loose. "What the hell, I'm over this night," she declared, downing two shots to drown her sorrows.

Feeling the weight of Olivia's emotions, Jenna offered a reassuring smile before excusing herself and promising to return shortly. Olivia watched her friend's retreating figure, a mixture of curiosity and anticipation stirring within her as she wondered what Jenna had planned.

Jenna went through the bustling crowd toward the stage, where the house band was tuning their instruments. With a determined glint in her eye, she leaned in to speak to the lead singer, her voice carrying over the lively chatter of the venue.

As Olivia watched Jenna approach the band leader and engage in conversation, she felt curious anticipation fill her. She wondered what Jenna was up to, her interest piqued by the exchange. Little did she know, Jenna had orchestrated a surprise for her.

Moments later, the band leader called out Olivia's name, and she felt a rush of excitement and nerves as she was invited to join them on stage. 

Jenna's thoughtful gesture brought a glimmer of excitement to Olivia's eyes, even as her heart still wrestled with uncertainty. As she made her way to the stage, Olivia felt a rush of nerves and anticipation coursing through her veins. Could this be the distraction she needed, a momentary escape from the turmoil of her emotions?

Olivia's initial shock quickly gave way to a tentative smile as she glanced at Jenna, who winked in response to her unspoken question.

"What did you do?" Olivia whispered, a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her voice.

Jenna grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just put in a little request," she replied coyly, leaving Olivia intrigued and slightly apprehensive about what was coming.

With a deep breath, Olivia stepped onto the stage, her nerves tingling with anticipation. The lead singer approached her with a reassuring smile, his presence calming her jittery nerves. 

As Olivia observed him, her gaze lingered on his captivating features. His long, dark hair cascaded across his forehead in effortless waves, adding a touch of mystery to his appearance. His sleeveless muscle shirt revealed intricate tattoos adorning his arms, each telling its own story. Piercings adorned his ears, lending an edgy charm to his demeanor. But it was his piercing blue eyes that truly captivated Olivia, drawing her in with their depth and intensity. She shook her head and wondered if she had indulged in one too many drinks, for he looked so strikingly handsome that he seemed almost unreal.

 "Hey there, darling," he greeted her warmly. "I heard you could sing a song with us. My name is Dillon, and I'd love to hear you sing."

A surge of emotion rose within Olivia as she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's been so long," she admitted, her fingers fidgeting nervously with the edge of her shirt.

"Don't worry," Dillon reassured her, his tone gentle and encouraging. "It's like riding a bike. I'm sure you'll get in the groove of things quickly."

Olivia pondered for a moment, searching for the perfect song to convey the tumult of emotions swirling within her. Then, it came to her, "How about 'Killing Me Softly'?" she suggested, her voice steady with determination.

A soft smile graced Dillon's lips as he nodded in agreement. "A classic choice," he remarked, his eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the song's emotional depth. "Shall we make it a duet?"

Olivia's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion, her excitement mingling with a hint of nervousness. With a nod of resolve, she turned back to him and nodded. "Let's do it," she said, her voice tinged with determination.


As Ethan entered the dimly lit bar, his heart raced with urgency. The encounter with Lauren lingered in his mind, a nagging distraction threatening to overshadow his feelings for Olivia. Yet, amidst the bustling crowd, he searched for her, his eyes scanning each face with fervent hope.

Then, as if guided by fate, his gaze found her. Olivia stood on the stage, bathed in the warm glow of the spotlight, a vision of ethereal beauty. The soft hues of the stage lights accentuated her features, casting a gentle radiance upon her as she prepared to sing.

As she sang the first note, her voice resonated through the room like liquid velvet, weaving a spellbinding melody that captured Ethan's soul. He was entranced, unable to tear his eyes away from her as she poured her heart into each note.

With every word, every inflection, Olivia bared her emotions for all to see, her voice carrying a raw vulnerability that tugged at Ethan's heartstrings. He felt a swell of emotion rise within him, a tumultuous wave of longing and admiration washing over him as he listened to her sing.

At that moment, all distractions faded away, leaving only Ethan and Olivia bound together by the haunting beauty of her song. It was as if the world around them ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection they shared in that fleeting, transcendent moment.

As the chorus swelled, the lead singer from the band joined in seamlessly, his voice blending with Olivia's in a harmonious symphony that echoed throughout the bar. Their voices intertwined like ribbons of silk, weaving a spell of enchantment that enraptured the entire audience.

As the performance unfolded, Ethan stood frozen, rooted to the spot. His heart pounded in his chest, and emotions raged within him. Jealousy flared hot and fierce, burning like wildfire as he watched the band leader's proximity to Olivia.

Every fiber of Ethan's being screamed with possessiveness, an overwhelming urge to protect and claim Olivia as his own. He couldn't bear the thought of another man, especially not the charismatic band leader, getting too close to her.

As the song's final notes lingered in the air, the band leader leaned in, his gesture intimate as he tucked a stray lock of Olivia's hair behind her ear. Ethan's jaw clenched with restrained fury, his fists tightening at his sides.

He watched as Olivia's face lit up with a radiant smile, her cheeks flushed with the thrill of the performance and the praise she received. But beneath the surface, Ethan could sense her vulnerability, her openness to the world around her.

At that moment, Ethan knew he couldn't stand idly by and let another man encroach upon what was his. With determination burning in his eyes, he made a silent vow to himself: he would do whatever it took to ensure that Olivia remained his and his alone.